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Arizona POV/////

My pager goes off from the desk across the on call room. 

Immediately I spring up and out into the action.  The halls flood with frantic doctors and nurses. 

I wonder what's up. 

I soon rush by a guy with a fire axe literally sticking out of his face.  I have to jump to the side to prevent myself from being flattened by the bloody crash-cart. 

He's not my patient, so I gotta keep moving to the pediatric wing. 

Soon I see a young woman with a watermelon size belly hyperventilating on a gurney.  With Alex Karev taking over from the paramedics.

"What do we got?"  I yell over the hospital fuss.  "Sofie Hernandez, 17, 18weeks, second trimester.  Complaining of stomach pains and blurry vision."  He says, soaking wet. The rain must be hammering down in buckets outside.

Must be of traumas on the way.

I nod, spreading the conductivity gel on her belly.  Sofie grabs my wrist. 

"Please.  Save my baby..."

"Miss," I say taking her golden hand. "It's alright. We'll take good care of you." "My baby..." She breathes "something. wrong..."

Her brown eyes flutter a bit and the heart rate monitor beeps.  The ultra sound has to wait for now.

Too quickly, Sofie's in V FIB! We begin CPR in attempt to steady her heart. At first all we get are inconsistent patterns.

Refraining from shocking her, she flatlines.

What the hell?!

April grabs the paddles.

"No. Not yet." I say firmly. In a silent ten seconds, we wait.

"Dr. Robbins I'm going to have to ask you to back away!" She yells charging to 200 jewels.

Hesitant, I step back hoping to God the force of the shock won't affect the baby.

A split second before she brought down the paddles, her heart steadies. "We've got a rhythm!" Alex shouts, stopping April.

We take a moment to exhale.
That moment is over all too soon.

I resume the ultrasound. Nothing so far... 

"Damn it." I curse under my breath.

"What is it?" Alex demands. "Her placenta is rapidly bleeding. It needs to come out. Now. April! Make sure trauma room 3 is prepped, and equipped to preform an emergency C section if necessary!"

She spins on her heels and sprints to the door.

When she's gone Alex whispers something in my ear. "Arizona, she illegal. You can't operate on her without permission. It's a risky surgery, you know that. It's a lawsuit waiting to happen."

"It doesn't matter. We'll lose them both if we wait much longer." I say, while clicking off the breaks to the cart. He grabs my arm. "What you are doing is illegal. If they die in there-" I interrupt. "Alex, move. She's getting this surgery whether you like it or not. You could leave right now if this scares you. But I sure as hell, don't want to let two humans die because of a dumb law. Now. Join me or run away. Your choice."

April opens the door to trauma room 3 and nods.

Silently he lets me go, and grabs the other side of the cart in a run. I crack a smile, and make it to the OR.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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