Chapter Three: Daphne and Rachel

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"How is this even possible?" I was so confused and astonished because even he confirmed what my grandma said to me. "Your parents were going through a rough patch in their marriage, you were only three years old when one night your mom found lipstick on your dad's collar and it wasn't her lipstick. She was crying so hard, she called my name I came to bring you up there so they can have their argument. After I heard my name, we came down when your mom told me that they were on a break and he was moving out. The second I put you to bed, when I walked into the room to say goodbye she just looked so beautiful in her white gown and her long curly brown hair. Our eyes met then it was kissing followed by conceiving Daphne and Rachel. The next morning I was sent to heaven by the angels to face my punishment for sleeping with and falling in love with your mom the protector."

Imagine if you were told all of that, how would any sane person react to all of that? Freaked out yes, feeling like you are going crazy yes, but somehow the feeling I had that I didn't belong went away for the first time in a long time. All I really wanted to focus on is meeting Daphne and Rachel my sisters, feeling that was a whole new experience. Mr. Rodriguez grabbed my arm, looked at me and said "If you really want to meet them, I can take you to them in the blink of an eye, but we will go to New York and New Jersey."  Did he just really say that? Before this day I was a normal teenager with normal friends attending normal school and suddenly in the blink of an eye (metaphorically speaking) I'm a witch. He threw this dust at me which tasted a lot like frosting which made me pass out. Suddenly I woke up and we were right smack in the middle of the Big Apple.

"Rise and Shine!" Mr. Rodriguez said to me while I was in his arms. Yes I did give him a "Seriously?" Look if you are wondering that. "Rachel knows me as Mr. Jefferson the Spanish teacher at her high school. Do you want to pose as my helper until we can get her alone?" Once I agreed, we walked to Morris James High School just in time because the bell rang. At that moment I didn't know why but now I do, all of a sudden my heart just started beating fast I did think it was because I was meeting one of my long lost sisters. Walking into the classroom and having to introduce myself was the hard part especially the moment I laid eyes on Rachel. She looked like an exact replica of mom, the icy blue eyes, the curly brown hair, and the way she used to smile at someone made me suddenly sad but all I could focus on was the truth.

While everyone had to work on their Spanish worksheet, I nudged him in the chest if I should talk to her now or after the bell rings. He suggested to me that I should try now. Walking to Rachel's desk felt like I was completely a marathon and I was far from the finish line. "Hi I am the helper of the day, Mr. Jefferson graded your paper and he wanted me to talk to you about going to honors Spanish. If you would just follow me I can put the paperwork in for you." Honors Spanish? I know wow right but hey it worked she said "Sure." and followed me!

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