Puzzle Pieces - Quote

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My coach for the sport I play always manages to have something positive to say. The other day it was that the more and more you practice something, the more and more it will make sense to you.

"It's like a puzzle. Everytime you practice something the right way, be it tennis, piano, maths or whatever it is, imagine it as less of a task, but more of a puzzle piece. The first few times you succeed, you just end up with the out side edges of the puzzle and each time after that, the puzzle increases in size and becomes more complete. Eventually, when you really start to get good at something and make few mistakes, the pieces will just click into place and it will all start making sense." - Gary Ludlow

(my coach)

So, naturally, it made perfect sense to me. I mean, in that week alone, I had already managed to make immense amounts of progress in my French studies, Music compositions and Tennis. Everything eventually does click into place. I was amazed at how some people can speak something that seems like nonsense at first, but as you later learn, it was a perfect truth, expertly hidden in a seemingly silly supportive comment. I tohught it was cool, just thought I'd share with you, because you all are awesome for reading this. 

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