Chapter 1

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My name is Skye Palmer, I’m 18 years old. I’m about to graduate high school. I’m not necessarily a ‘people person.’ Well, actually the only reason anyone would come near me would either be to copy my homework, because they were to lazy to get it done themselves, or to slam me into a wall. Which brings me to present day.

I was innocently walking to last hour, minding my own business. I heard the bell that meant I had about a minute left to get to class and I looked to my left; There was a boy, casually walking to class having an innocent conversation with his friend. The two guys’ voices dropped to where I could only hear a few words and they both chuckled. The boy nearest to me was now inching closer. His shoulder brushed mine and within a second the seemingly casual contact turned into a shove and I was knocked against a wall the contents of my messenger bag splayed across the hard marble floor. My shoulder ached and I was on my knees. The pain isn’t what made me cry though. It was the sudden halt of every student in the hallway, and then the laughter. I quickly looked down at my hands letting my hair fall over my face.

The laughter stopped and when I looked up there was a really skinny yet muscular guy standing over the kid that had shoved me into the wall. The kid was looking up in horror, he rushed to his feet one hand on his jaw the other up as if in surrender he stepped backwards a few slow steps before taking off in the complete opposite direction he’d been heading before. His friend followed.

I stared after the two boys for a second before I realized the guy that had defended me was now walking toward me.He had dark hair that looked like it had enough gel in it to wreck two and a half ozone layers and his eyes were dark as well. He was wearing a maroon T-shirt, that had an unfamiliar band logo printed on it, with faded skinny jeans and red nike high tops.

Thoughts like ‘Who the hell is this guy?!’ ‘Why would he do that for ME?!’ and ‘I’ve never seen him before in my LIFE!’ started rushing through my head. He extended his hand toward me and I hesitated before taking it. He pulled me to my feet. Before I could look to my feet where my bag had been spilled he was bent down picking it all up with a blank look on his face. I hurried to pick up the rest of my things before he could get it all. He handed me what he had picked up and I stuffed it all in my bag and murmured a quiet ‘Thank you.’ But before I could walk away he grabbed at my wrist as the bell rang and all the people that were in the hallway disappeared. He smiled at me and I twisted my hand around uncomfortably until he reluctantly let go. “My name’s Zayn Malik.” He said, his accent rich, but I couldn’t exactly tell where he was from. I let out a heavy sigh and thought ‘human interaction… UGH!’

“I’m Skye Palmer…” He smiled wider than.

“What was happening there? Does your shoulder hurt at all?” He asked, his eyes moving from my eyes to my shoulder and back. My hand automatically went to hold my shoulder which was infact aching.

“I should ask you the same thing. Did you punch that guy in the face?” I asked, my voice quiet and weakened by the way he looked at me.

“Uh… Yea!” He said his smile spreading further, which seemed impossible, like it was an accomplishment.

“Erm… I’m late for class now I gotta go. Thanks for, erm… What you did back there..”

“Aw. Do you really have to?” He let mock sadness show in his expression. I don’t know what it was but the way he looked at me made me want to kiss him. ‘Is that weird?’ I thought to myself. “Well if you must go, at least let me give you my number! Do you have a sharpie?” I pulled my sharpie out of my bag, there were a few things that hadn’t fallen out. He reached for my hand but I automatically pulled away. There were secrets under the sleeves of my button up plaid blouse that anyone would categorize me as ‘freak’ for, even Zayn Malik. He gave me a questioning look. He grabbed at my wrist again. Before I could pull away he had a firm grip, his fingers easily overlapped around my small wrist. He easily guessed what I was hiding. He slid my sleeve out of the way so that he had a clear view of my wrist and all the secret marks and scars I’d been hiding. I watched for a reaction in his expression but there was none. “What’s that…?”

“Nothing! Jeez” I said a bit louder than necessary and yanked my wrist from his now loosened grip. He grabbed me by the shoulders and before I could object he hugged me tight. “What er you…” I couldn’t finish the sentence because my face was already buried in his shirt and tears were soaking through the thin material.

“It’ll be okay. I promise!” He whispered, one of his hands was moving in slow small circles on my back. “Do you want me to drive you home?” He asked like it was completely acceptable to leave school early. But I just nodded.

I let Zayn drive me home, the whole ride home I was curled against his side as he drove. When we got to my house he asked if I wanted him to walk me inside. I told him no, but only because my mom has never witnessed me bringing a ‘friend’ home and I couldn’t imagine her reaction if I brought a boy home.

“Hold on!” Zayn said before I closed the passenger door, it was cold outside and I was standing outside the open door. Zayn shuffled through his glove compartment before he found a little envelope. He quickly wrote his cell number on a napkin and said, “Text me as soon as you get inside okay?” He said, showing me his wide toothy grin. I nodded and for once I smiled back at him. He chuckled a bit and I felt my cheeks get really warm despite the cold.

“Isn’t it a bit dangerous to text and drive?” I asked, a bit-- well a lot-- concerned for his safety.

“I won’t. I promise, love!” He said with a short chuckle.

“Okay… I’ll--erm… see you later then?” I said, my voice quiet and my cheeks still burning. He nodded and waited for me to get to the porch before he made a U-turn. I let myself wonder if he’d gone out of his way to take me home. It made me smile.

 HEY THERE! If you like it so far PLEASE comment or vote, yah know? I just wanna know how good OR BAD i'm doin SO FAR!

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