Chapter 4

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{Oh god. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! My cowriter she was out of town or something...}

I smile at his concern but it only makes more tears streak my warm cheeks. I’m a fucking idiot. Such a fucking idiot.

“Skye?” He says taking a step toward me. I can’t help but think about his lips on mine. My eyes go to his lips the corners are turned down in a small frown, so I look back to his eyes. I can’t help but think I’ve seen all this boy’s emotions in the less than twenty four hours I’ve known him: beyond angry, on the verge of tears, lust filled eyes unwilling to leave mine, his eyes smiling at me the rest of the time whether he’s wearing his wide toothy grin or a blank expression.

“I said I’m fine..” I giggle, and it ends with a noise that get’s stuck halfway between a choked sob and a hiccup. He takes another step closing the distance between us and pulling me into his comfortably warm embrace. I am startled but I’ve never smiled so wide in my life. I’ve never had a reason to until this boy punched that obnoxious kid in the face for me.

“Do you want me to take you home now?” He asks pulling away and smiling when he sees my expression show a fraction of the disappointment I feel. I smile back and nod slightly.

“If you’re ready to go, I guess. I don’t need to be home at any specific time.” He smiles at my words and I know the confusion is plain on my face when he chuckles lightly.

“If you want to stay just say so.” He says the amusement bright in his indescribably gorgeous eyes. I laugh shortly and I can tell by the way he glances sideways at my hand that he is debating on whether he should go for it or not so I put my hand in his. His eyes widen and dart back to mine, I just smile and he soon lets his wide smile spread across his cheeks again. He guides me into the living room again and this time I don’t even think about loosening my grip on his hand.

When we get back to Louis and Mehgan, I know Mehgan thinks she did something to upset me because her eyes are studying her painted toe nails. I feel like I could break into uncontrollable laughter or cry my eyes out all in the same moment when I see the slight frown on her face and the shine to her eyes. Louis is talking to another girl with reddish brown hair and a short dark dress, but they look at Mehgan letting worry cloud their smiling faces until they sees me and Zayn. Louis says something to her that makes her look up quickly. I let go of Zayn’s hand when we are close enough to the group.

“I’m--” She begins and I know the tears pooling in her eyes are about to overflow so I cut her off quickly hugging her.

“I know this is a bit late. But, thanks so much.” I let go and move to stand next to Zayn again. Her smile returns and her eyes are bright as she looks to my hand in Zayn’s, her smile widens to it’s limit I assume.

Louis introduces me to the girl he was talking to, Larissa. I know I’ve never met most of the people I’ve been introduced to. After mingling with them and a few others I was introduced to earlier, some of which I recognize from my classes. After a while my eyelids feel heavy and I ask Zayn what time it is, he tells me it’s only past one. I’ve never been out late. At all. The longest I’ve stayed out was midnight and that was when I was little and fell asleep at my mother’s friend’s house or my dad’s poker games.

“Hey. Could you-- erm. Take me home now? I’m really tired.” I say blushing when he smiles at me his eyes hooded slightly but I know he’s getting tired to. He nods slightly and turns back to his friends telling them we are leaving. When Grace, Larissa and Mehgan whine, slightly intoxicated, I blush. I really did enjoy myself despite having cried more than once. The group says goodbye pretty much in unison and I mutter a bye and smile at the new friends I believe I’ve made.

Zayn doesn’t say much until we get into his truck. “Are you cold?” he says. He already knows the answer because I’m shivering furiously. I nod more than a little and he turns the heat all the way up.The drive to my house is suspended in a comfortable silence I can’t help but think about earlier today after the incident. I can’t stop thinking about it. I was in snotty tears the entire way and he was holding me… I blush at the thought of how I acted with this guy that I’ve only known for a few hours. I kissed him. Oh god. My stomach flutters as I remember the kiss. The silence quickly turns awkward as I overthink my actions from the eventful day.

When we pull up to my house it’s exactly how I left it, all the lights are off and my parents are sleeping.

“Did you have fun?” He asks before I can retreat into my silent house.

“Yea. I’ve never been to something like that before.” I say timidly. I expect him to laugh at me but he just smiles even brighter and says:

“Well, then maybe I’ll take you to another party.” He says. This boy is killing me on the inside. I think about kissing him again just to feel the warm sensation of his lips on mine. But I decide against it when he reaches for my hand. He slides the sleeve of my sweater down so that my scarred wrist is in full view.

“Zayn…” I whine and look away from him. I feel like crying. This is the second time this boy has done this to me and it’s even more embarrassing this time. He runs his long fingers over my pale wrist. I try to pull my wrist from his grip but I fail.

“You never did tell me what all this is.” He states. I don’t look at him but I know he’s looking at my face again. He knows exactly what it is and he just wants to hear me say it. That annoys me. I almost yelled at him but then I remember we’re in front of my house where my parents are sleeping and totally unaware that I went to a party only to return with a boy and a really hot boy that I’ve already kissed once.

“I already told you it’s absolutely nothing.” I pull my sleeve back down to hide my arm.

“That’s not nothing.” He pushes.

“You know exactly what it is.” I snap. If he didn’t still have my wrist in his grip I would’ve already stormed in the house by now. I’m irritated now and I’m not going to say it just for his satisfaction. I shift uncomfortably in the passenger seat of his truck.

“Okay, then why are you doing this?” He asks slowly. I knew what he was going to ask but his tone startles me. I can hear the sadness in his voice from my harsh words. I’ve already seen the face he makes when I hurt his feelings and I don’t want to see it again. “Skye?” He questions when I don’t reply.

“It distracts me, I guess.” I answer shortly. I don’t want to hurt his feelings any further. I know the answer isn’t going to be good enough for him.

“From what?” He asks quietly. His hand touches the side of my jaw and I don’t protest as he turns my face toward his.

“There’s a lot of shit going through my head when I do that stuff and…” The words fall from my lips before I can stop them but I’m cut short when tears start running down my face without my permission. His eyes are glossy and the only light in the truck is from the full moon. I take a deep breath and blink rapidly trying to stop the seemingly constant flow of tears. He smiles at me. I quickly wipe at the tears, streaking my makeup. He chuckles softly and I can’t help but smile at the lovely sound.

“Okay. I won’t pester you about it anymore as long as you promise not to do things like that anymore.” He pours his smiling eyes into mine. “I’ll be your distraction.”

I blush harshly and my stomach is still fluttering by the time I get into my bedroom. I kick off my shoes and sit on my bed before covering my warm cheeks in embarrassment.

New Beginnings {A Zayn Malik fan-fiction}Where stories live. Discover now