Chapter 5

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While lying on my bed, I started to think about Zayn, and what he meant by ‘I’ll be your distraction’ I went into deep thought, thinking about my kiss with Zayn. Until I was interrupted. I heard a quiet thumping noise, getting closer by the second. I realised my mum had woken from her slumber and was walking up our slim staircase to my room.

She harshly pounded on my bedroom door, “Skye? Where have you been?! I heard you come in!” She yelled through the hollow wooden door.

I sternly and quickly replied “Nowhere mum. I just went for a walk outside!” But that didn’t fool her.

“No you didn’t. I heard a car.” Then she harshly swung the door open, hitting the wall and leaving no barrier whatsoever between us.

She continued “Skye, where have you really been? Why are you wearing that dress? Skye don’t lie to me.” She bombards me with questions.

“Fine. I went to a party, why does it matter?” I question.

“Why does it matter? Why does it matter?! It matters because you snuck out. I didn’t know where you were. Something could of happened to you and I wouldn’t know.”  She, very loudly, fired back at me.

“And who did you go with? Were there boys there? You better not have done anything stupid!” She continued. I open my mouth but before I could answer one of her twenty questions she quickly snaps at me “You, young lady, are grounded”

“For how long?” I said with disappointment hopefully clear on my face.

“For as long as I see fit!” She yells.

And with that she stormed out of my room and slammed the door. I half expected it to break in half. I waited for the sound of her footsteps to fade down the stairs before I picked up my phone and called Zayn.

“Hey babe, what's up? Why didn’t you just talk to me when you were in my truck?” he asks, his voice slow and thoughtful.

“My mum freaked out and grounded me. Could you please come over, Zayn?” I ask, hoping the angry tears weren’t evident in my voice.

“What? You got grounded so you want me to pick you up?” He half laughs. He quickly recovers. “Of course I’ll pick you up. Right now?”

“Thanks. Right now would be good. I mean if that’s--” I begin.

“I’ll be there in a second.” He cut me off, a smile clear in his voice. I mumble a quick thank you and we get off the phone. I should have asked him if I could spend the night. I surely don’t want to come back here… But it’s bad enough that I kissed him after only a few hours of knowing he existed. When I decide to ask him he texts me first. *One question! Are you staying the night?* I fumble for a response. I was about to ask if I could but now that he asks it seems a little out of hand. Shit.

*Well, if that’s okay with you.* I reply quickly sending it before I can over think what I’ve just said. But as soon as the message is sent my cheeks flame in embarrassment. *Of course! ;)*

These fucking smiley faces are seriously killing me. I can’t help but think about him actually winking at me. God I’m terrible. I’m going over to his house to spend the night. What will his parents think? I quickly shove some clothes and a toothbrush in a small bag I haven’t used in a while and slip my toms back on my feet. I start to think about texting him to see where he is but he texts me before I can decide. How the hell does he do that? *I parked around the corner I don’t wanna cause a scene* I smile at his thoughtful decision. *I’m on my way out* I reply shortly.

My window, being on the second floor, isn’t exactly the easiest escape route but the front door is completely off the table. I climb out the small window through the already broken screen onto the roof. I almost tumble off the roof a few times in my haste. I climb down the fence on the side of the house and twist my ankle as I jump two feet from the fence.

New Beginnings {A Zayn Malik fan-fiction}Where stories live. Discover now