lunch with them bad boys

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Grey's Pov
    "OH MY LORD" Tori and Tyler exlaimed with their mouths wide open. "Are you flipping seriously??!! I can't believe this! Oh lord! How even?!! We-like we we are gonna sit with THE MOST popular guys know in our school?!" Tori squealed jumping up and down. What is up with these guys shouldn't they be mad at me for making them sit with those freaks. Being honest I don't know the rest of the guys but Jace for sure is a freak with psychological problems and anger issues. Although he looks hot when he's angry and his jaw tightens and it looks so damn fine. Wait What who said that? Ughh I should stop thinking about him!
"Greyyyy back to reality please! Anyways I didn't even know you guys knew each other. But GURL you make me so proud of you've finally grown up and your finally communicating with other male species!!" Tyler weeps whilst throwing me in a hug.
What even did I do to attain such crazy friends?!
    Lunch time came so fast and by now I had thought of all possible ways to avoid having to sit with the guys but none of them looked realistic. Maybe telling them that I got bitten by a vampire isn't such a good excuse? Ah GREY it's okay. Just a casual lunch. Everything will be fine. Everything will be great. Positive energy. Protons where art thou?! Okay now I'm being stupid. I walked into the lunch hall and spotted Tori and Tyler waving at me from the popular guys table while laughing. They seem to be having a good time! Wait what? They already made friends? Oh my! Why do I suck at socializing! I walked toward their table only to see that there's only one chair left and that's beside Jace. Isn't life just so fun?
    "Gorgeous, meet these kick ass dudes Ricky, Trevor, Arthur and Justin. These guys are like brothers and yeah guys this is Grey" Jace introduces me as I scan and wave at everyone. Ricky smiles and leans forward to shake my hand and even kisses it as I blush furiously. From the corner of my eye I spot Jace glaring at him. Ricky's got the looks but from what I've heard he's a man available for any women. Next up Trevor seems genuine as he gives me a high five saying "I love your name! Were gonna be great friends I can tell" I like him already he seems so cool. Arthur just nodded towards me not even bothering to smile...well okay then. Finally onto Justin, I quite remember him from the time Tori had a huge crush on him and wouldn't even shut up about him. I looked in her direction only to see her turning red as a beetroot. Awwh she still likes him!! Justin is a nice guy from at least what I've heard. He smiled tightly saying "hey Grey, we all like you since your the only girl that stood against Jace" Jace smacks Justin lightly while I giggle.
   So far sitting with these guys has been great! There not as bad as I thought. We all discussed the subjects we had in common but right before leaving when the bell rang Justin said,"tonight at 7 I'm holding a party at my house and since you guys are our new friends you must come!" Wait what?! Parties? I hate parties as I opened my mouth I feel a hand grip my mouth as Tori said,"YES! WE WILL BE THERE!" Whyy mee?? If socializing with other humans isn't hard enough now a freaking party! Why is life so hard? I thought look up at the ceiling...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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