(CH16) The Blood's Curse Can Not Be Stopped

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Emma was watching the ship making sure no one gets on unless she knows them. Emma was lost in her thoughts about Clarissa, Pan and of course her son Henry. Emma knew she shouldn’t of felt bad about Clarissa but for some reason Emma did. 

“Are you okay love?” Hook asked Emma as he walked over to her.

Emma came back to earth and looked over at Hook. “Yes, I’m fine.” 

“There is no reason for you to feel sorry about Clarissa. After all she’s on Pan’s side.”

“How do we know that?” 

“Emma come on now she....” Hook stop talking.

“She what? Tell me Hook what are you holding back about Pan’s love? Or even Pan himself?”

“Nothing!” Hook shouted as he was about to walk away.

“Liar!” Emma shouted.

Hook turned around. “Why do you care so much about Clarissa her boyfriend killed Henry you're son!”

“Pan not her, besides I feel for her Hook, I understand her.”

“You two are different” 

“Maybe but I don’t think we are that much different from each other. We both never knew our parents. Both orphans and from a fairy teal world. Sounds crazy!”

“Yet you still know nothing about Clarissa.”

“Then tell me Hook what do you know!” 

Hook wanted to keep holding back but he saw it in Emma’s eyes she wanted to know the truth.

“She’s a bloody fairy.”

“What? A fairy?” Emma said shocked.

“Not just any fairy she’s half human half fairy this is like impossible. A lot of people, Fairies and even in you're world vampires want her dead.”

“Vampires? That’s crazy talk. Cause of her blood?” 

“Yes, Emma cause of her blood also she’s very powerful. The vampires I’m not going to get into.”

“How do you know this?”

“Cause I worked for Pan years ago.”

“You worked for Pan?”

“Yes and let me tell you I know something huge about him that would make everyone stop in there tracks.”

“What is it?”

Hook couldn’t answer Emma question about Pan for their conversation was cut off by Snow and Charming.

“Have you two seen Regina?” Snow asked.

“No we haven’t” Hook said.

“Regina went inside the cabin she said she was going to take care of something that had to do with Henry.”

“Oh really? Cause we can’t seem to find Regina anywhere.” Charming said as he was trying to make a point.

“Yeah and she’s not with Henry.” Snow said.

“Clarissa is gone!” Neal yelled.

“What?” Hook and Emma said at the same time.

“Clarissa is gone and Regina is gone imagine that.” Charming said.

“Now David we don’t know if Regina had anything to do with this.” Snow said trying to get everyone to be calm.

“Lets find Regina.” Emma said.

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