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I got nowhere to put this so deal with it. I got tagged by Nico610 and I have to put ten facts about me and tag ten vic--people. Lets go.

1. I space out a lot. Even when I'm writing.

2. I always somehow end up making a cute ship when writing and then I have to find a way to kill one of them.

3. I sleep with a bunch of papers under my pillow. Those papers are from the people I care about.

4. Too many books. Not enough time. Why?

5. I am hardly seen in any family photos.

6. I know XxIris023xX, Budderchu, and CinnimonSweet in real life and they are my friends.

7. Nana-Light/PixelGame, is my little sister and her accounts are inactive now.

8. I got traumatized when I was little and wouldn't talk for three-four years straight.

9. Iris ships me with VladimenTalon, the ship WON'T sail!

10. I've seen Internet friends leave because of troubles. Its upsetting to see that, but it's their choice to do so.

CinnimonSweet (Yes, you three gotta suffer with me.)

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