• galaxy •

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With a name like Alyx Blythe and galaxy-colored hair, people would think I'm adventurous or unique. People expect that because my name is different, that I might be. But really, I'm just your average girl. Your average 14 year old. Now you're probably thinking that my parents are insane for letting a fourteen-year-old girl dye her hair but they loved it. My parents? Now they are unique. I don't how such unique people make...well, me.

Logan Peters? Now he's something unique. You see, him and I are totally opposite. He has a dull name with a cool personality while I have a cool name with a dull personality. He gets straight-As while I'm flunking in everything except Math and Art. And that's why I can't stand him. He's perfect. I'm a complete mess.

He comes up to me every once in a while. He usually comments my hair, sometimes on the band-tees I don't really wear much. Surprisingly, he likes a lot of things that I do. But I still can't stand him. He calls me "Galaxy".

"I'd prefer my real name, thank you." I say with sass to Logan.

"Why...Galaxy?" He smirked at me.

"If you call me Galaxy, I'll call you Goldie Locks. Deal?" I glared at him.

His eyes widened but he quickly put his smirk back on and said,

"Okay. Deal. See ya later, Galaxy!"

I growled and head for my next class, Science. Which he so happened to have as well. And you would never guess what our science teacher decided to teach us about?
G. A. L. A. X. I. E. S. Gee, thanks Mr. Hertmann.

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