• hot chocolate •

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"Alyx?" I didn't answer so he continued. Why would I? Ugh. "I'm having trouble with math...and I know you can help me since you're a math genius and all."

"For once you're having trouble? The boy with wavy, golden hair and greenish-brown eyes. The boy with straight-As and perfect te-"

"I need your help. I need you to tutor me. That's all I'm asking." He said in a low and serious tone.

"Fine. Everyday except Mondays and weekends. At the park after school." I said before walking ahead and not seeing him until the next day.

*Time Skip: Next Week*

By then, Logan and I forgot about the scene we had before. I don't know why he needs me to tutor him. He knows the answers. It's clear that he does.

After an hour of tutoring, we go to the nearby coffee shop, like usual.

"2 hot chocolates. One with marshmallows and one without, please." I say to the women behind the bar. She smiles and nods. I smile back and Logan and I head to our table by the window in the corner.

"You don't smile much, Galaxy. Just noticed that." He said to me with a small grin.

"Yeah. I'm not really a smiler."

"Well, you should smile more. You have-" he clears his throat, blush creeping onto his face, before continuing,"-a beautiful smile."

I smile and look down. I let my hair cover me so he wouldn't see the dark blush on my face. We sat there in comfortable silence, finishing our hot chocolate in only a few minutes.

We thanked the ladies that worked in the tiny coffee shop and started walking home. When we reached my house, he asked me for my number. We exchanged numbers and went off our separate ways. Tomorrow is Saturday. I never have anything to do on Saturdays. Goodness, I need friends already.

I get a call as soon as I plopped down on my bed. I groan and pick up.

"Hello?" I say, sounding as if I just woke up.

"Galaxy? Wassup!"

"What did you call me for?"

"Just wanted to see if this was you. Plus, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Are you busy tomorrow?"


"I want to invite you to a party I'm going to. It's at Letticia's place. She didn't invite you."

"Nope. "

"Well then, you want to come? I'll pick you up and-"

"Okay. Is the whole school coming?"


"Welp, that sucks."

He chuckles and I feel myself grin.

"Well, I'll see you when I pick you up! Bye, Galaxy."

"Bye, Goldie Locks."

I throw my phone across my bed and stare at the ceiling. Dang it! I have to either socialize or sit in a corner for hours doing nothing tomorrow. I regret saying yes, now. Well, it can't be that bad. We'll see.

Galaxy *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now