• lunch •

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"Alyx! Wake up, Muffin!" Mom yelled, hitting me with a pillow.

I groaned and she giggled. She waited for me to sit up on my bed. She smiled sweetly at me before going back downstairs. I walk slowly and heavily to my door-mirror. I gasp and pat down my crazy, matted hair. I stare at my own hazel eyes for a bit before picking out my outfit. I lay out a plain white t-shirt, a flannel to go around my waist, and black, ripped jeans. I'll pick out what shoes I'll wear later.

After getting dressed, doing my hair, and brushing my teeth, I managed to have a little bit of time left to eat breakfast before my bus arrived. I quickly ate the scrambled eggs Mom prepared and ran out of the door.

I made it just in time. I sat by the person I always sit by. Her name is Tiffany. She has light blonde hair that's always up in a ponytail, dark blue eyes, and always rants on about what happens in the animes she watches or things that happened in Star Trek. She was the cutest, little geek.

"Grell got so mad. But he shouldn't have because Sebastian was doing what he had to to get the juicy stuff outta that nun. Plus, he has me. Grell is so...sexy. We would be perfect together! I took a quiz that said so, too!" Tiffany fangirled.

"Jeez, Tiff. It's just an ani--"

"SHUSH, ALYX! SHUSH! Don't remind me." She frowned at me.

I giggled and patted her head softly.

* Time Skip: Lunch*

I sat down at my usual table and stabbed whatever the heck those evil gremlins we call lunch ladies served us. Suddenly, a Latina known as Letticia sat in front of me.

"Heya, Alyx!" She said in her normal loud voice.

I scrunched up my nose at how loud she was being and nodded at her.

"So, I got some new juicy gossip! Jeremi just broke up with Alyssa for Giniyah and..."

I rolled my eyes and kept stabbing at my food. I was startled by a certain blond boy plopping down beside me. I growled and turned to face him.

"What is it, Goldie Locks?" I said plainly.

"I can't talk to a friend?" He put his arm around me.

"Dude, if you don't get your hands off of m--"

"Sorry, sorry," He said, quickly taking his arm off of my shoulder, then saying,"Wait, wait, wait. You did space buns, and your hair is dyed like, ya know, space!" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and grinned at him. Realizing Letticia was still rambling, I stopped her and told her to spill the gossip at the table next to us. She grinned and finally left. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Sooo," Logan started,"tell me about yourself."

"Huh?" I looked at him, confused on why he'd want to know about me.

"I just want to get to know you better, Alyx."

"Wow, you actually said my name. Bravo" I clapped.

"I'm full of surprises." He winked at me.

"Well, what do you want to know, Goldie Locks?"

"Oh...I dunno." He rubbed his neck and looked down. "Uh, wanna meet me at Huffleton Park? It's only a few blocks aw-"

"Okay. After school." I got up and started walking away.

"U-uh, okay. See you there!" His voice called out to me.

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