Chapter 1

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It was good to be able to say that I was finally happy. New job. New flat. A fresh start. I sighed deeply as i let the recent changes in my life sink in. It had all happened so suddenly, one minute I was at rock bottom, living with my best friend after breaking up with my boyfriend of 3 years who I just so happened to live with.

I consider myself to be very lucky having a best friend like Luke. We'd known each other since we were 4 and we had become inseperable. He had helped me through the toughest of times and I him. I was so proud of his success with his band '5 Seconds of Summer' and i couldn't believe that they'd ask me to join them on their leg of the 'Take Me Home' tour as their stylist, where they'd be opening for One Direction. I can't actually say that i'd always been a fan of One Direction, but the 5SOS boys' excitement about the tour had left me unwillingly listening to their latest album on repeat and i must say, they had began to grow on me. 

I was disturbed from my rambling thoughts with a buzz from my phone.

I had 3 missed texts that i'd obviously missed during my distraction from my brain....

6:49pm - Lukey: Yo! You still up for that movie night before our looooong flight tomorrow? x

7:05pm - Lukey: Jess?

7:50pm - Lukey: I guess not. C u in the morning then x

I mentally face-palmed myself as i remembered that I'd promised Luke to have a movie night tonight. Not even bothering to reply to the texts, i hit the call button and within two rings he answered....


"Oh my god, Luke i'm so sorry, I got distracted and i didn't see your text and i feel really ba-"

Luke cut me off mid sentence with a chuckle. 

"So, you're still on then?" I could practically see his grin through the phone.

"You got it, don't forget to bring your stuff so we can leave straight from here in the morning" 

"Roger that" 


Not even fifteen minutes past before i heard my door swing open, making me sit up startled, only to be met with Luke grinning cheekily at me. "Help?" He asks simply. I nodded and walk over to the door, looking out and seeing two massive suitcases and his acoustic guitar in it's bag. "Jesus Luke, you'd think you're leaving for good with the amount that you've packed." he smiled sheepishly as i grabbed a case and dragged it behind me, up the couple of stairs as it thudded behind me. It seriously felt like all he had packed was bricks. 

We left the cases in the corner of my bedroom, before wandering out to the lounge and sitting in front of the TV. Luke stood up and flicked through the rack of DVD's I had before standing up and holding up two options. "Which one?" he wiggled them around a bit. I rubbed my chin in a dramatic way, making Luke giggle like a girl. I couldn't help but smile at how happy being around him made me. The choices of movies were two of my all time favourites 'Love Actually' and 'P.S. I love you'. Damn this boy knew me well. "You decide" the decision was too hard for me and now I had Luke stood staring at the movie covers, before opening P.S I love you and inserting it into the DVD player before coming and wrapping his arm around me so i could cuddle up to him.


A loud beeping noise woke me suddenly and i rubbed my eyes. I was still cuddling up to Luke on the couch. We both must have fallen asleep because the TV was still on and the DVD had it's menu up. The ringing continued and i suddenly bolted upright. Fuck. The flight. What time was it? Oh shit. I shook Luke and he woke suddenly, bolting up almost instantly "FUCK JESS WHERE IS MY PHONE? THAT IS MY PHONE RINGING!" We both scurried around, throwing everything up and onto the floor trying to find it. I crawled across the ground looking under things, then i got to the bed "Aha!" Sure enough, Luke was getting a phone call from Calum. I threw it to him and he instantly answered

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS?" Even i could hear Calum, and i was around 3 metres away from Luke.

"I'm sorry, man, we overslept. We'll get there on time. I promise"

I looked at my watch. It was 8:42am already. Our flight was at 9. The airport was a 10 minute drive away. Oh shit. I tied my hair up quickly in a top bun as i fumbled to put the last minute things i needed in my handbag. 

Pulling our cases behind us, Luke was still talking on the phone "Yep. I know.... Yes... Leaving Now. OK. Bye" he hung up and quickly put the cases into the car.

I was quick to speed off. 


We were running through the terminal. Jesus christ, i hadn't ran this fast in years. 

My lungs were burning as we neared the terminal. 

"Last Call for flight 69073 to LAX"

And that is when i tripped and lost consciousness.

Something Great (A One Direction/ 5SOS Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now