Chapter 4

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It was strange though, I was now sat questioning myself on whether or not I did have feelings for Luke. I mean, I have known him for years, he always makes me feel special...... and I am pretty sure that I am letting the alcohol take over my thoughts. 

Harry bursts my train of thought, taking me by suprise as I remember he is sitting next to me.

"That's good to hear. Now, let's get you back in that restaurant, drunko!" he chuckles, taking my hand in his and helping me up. "I'm not a drunko, curly!" I giggle, he just nods at me, revealing his defined dimples as he grinned. I shook my head, letting him place his hand on the small of my back as he lead me back inside. It was evident that I was intoxicated by the way I was stumbling. I giggled at the way I must look to everyone. If it weren't for Harry i'd be flat on my arse. Luke was gonna kill me. Ohhhhh well, I don't give a shit. Gotta live in the moment. 

Harry pulls out my chair for me and I sit down, giving him a thankful smile as he wanders back over to his seat. I notice that the boys are all eating now, but I lost my appetite a while ago. Luke looks down at me, raising his eyebrows and I shrug, smiling innocently. He shakes his head, trying to disguise the smirk, but I know it's there. "Ha! You aren't angry!" I shout-whisper to him. He chuckles, watching me take yet another gulp of wine. "No... I'm not angry.... But don't you think you should eat something?" I shake my head over-dramatically. "Noooooooo, Lukey. Definitely not! I'm not hungry" I whine. Luke frowns and looks over at the table of management before looking back at me. "Jess... I really think you should" he whispers. I frown at him. Looking over at management, then back at him. "Oh my god. Are you embarrassed??" I ask, slightly hurt. He bites his lip... He always does this when he feels uneasy about something or if he's lying. "You are aren't you? You're embarrassed by me?" he looks down at his feet, avoiding eye contact with me. I nod slowly, trying to process the situation. 

Luke continues to avoid my eye contact. "Right" I state. Rising from my seat, grabbing my purse off the table in front of me then I turn to Luke. "I'm going to head off. Wouldn't want to embarrass you any further" I announce, loud enough for only our table to hear. The other boys look at Luke in shock, he looks at me, shock in his eyes at my sudden outburst. I smile at everyone, before turning around and walking off, carefully focussed on my steps. I hear the footsteps behind me, but I continue my way out the door and to the side of the road. "Jess!" Luke catches up to me, swinging me round to face him. "What are you doing?" he exclaims, the hurt evident in his voice. I sigh deeply. "C'mon Luke... I wouldn't wanna.. y'know... EMBARRASS you any more" i turn away from him again, trying to flag down a taxi. "Jess... I didn't mean it like that.... I'm not embarrassed by you at all.. I just... I just want you to be safe...." I groan in frustration at him. "Luke... Seriously. I'm 18. Let me live a little. You are always so protective of me. I'm older than you... Let me do my own thing for once in my life, you're too over-protective and it pisses me off!" I found myself raising my voice at him. I've never done this. He takes a step back, holding his hands up in defeat. 

A taxi pulls up. "Luke... I didn't me-" "No... No Jess. Go do your own thing. I don't give a shit anymore" his voice slightly breaks and it breaks my hear. Before I could stop him, he spins around and walks away. I find myself frozen on the spot, tears falling down my face. I turn around and get into the taxi, crying the whole way back to the hotel. The taxi driver probably thinks I'm a nut case. Well i am, but still. I hate people staring at me, and that's what he did the whole way through the rear view mirror. I quickly pay him, before clambering out. I'm quick to pull off my shoes and make my way up to the room. Here I am, moping around feeling sorry for myself for something I did myself. As soon as I open that door to our room, I pull off my dress, tie my hair in a top bun, remove my makeup (cussing several times as i hurt my stitches) and pull on one of Luke's shirts over my underwear. Climbing into bed, I curl up into a ball. I hated Luke being mad at me and I'm sure as hell that I have just ruined our entire friendship. It hurts. Alot. I find myself crying, yet again, at my stupidity tonight. I grabbed my phone, hoping that he would have at least texted.... but nothing. My sobs increase and I stay like this for what seems like forever until I finally pull myself together and just end up lying there staring at the ceiling.

I'm an idiot.

No, I'm not an idiot.

I'm a BIG idiot.

I sigh. Sleep was definitely not going to happen for me tonight. I decide to get out of bed, grabbing my cardigan before I wander out to the balcony. London was beautiful. I leant on the wall, my chin resting on my hand. My thoughts were all over the place. 

The sliding door opened behind me, but I didn't even bother to turn around and see who it was.

"There you are" Luke stated, walkinng over and leaning on the balcony wall, staring out at the city. I nod slowly, unsure of what to say to him. We stand in silence for a while, but it isn't awkward. "Luke-" he cuts me off before I can say anything. "Jess, don't worry about it. I know you're sorry... And i'm sorry too... I shouldn't have acted the way I did earlier. Come here." He turns to me and opens his arms for me, I happily enter his warm embrace and hug him tight. "You mean so much to me, Lukey" I sigh, savouring the hug.

"You too, Jess.... More than you'll ever know..." 



Hope you enjoyed my pretties. Comments and votes would be much appreciated xoxoox

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