Die by Drowning

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If you only hear the hate
Just know I still walk around
With a frown
It's just that I'd rather burn in flames
Than sink and drown

I do love the water though
I'm obsessed with ocean breezes
Late night rains
And the clear image when it freezes
It gives me a feeling
That I can only describe
As surreal

It's funny cause I think it will heal
All the damage I keep
Under lock and key
Like it'll just wash away
All my regrets
But the problems seem to stay

Still I get to see the trees sway
And the puddles form
From these suburban windows
Of that i was born

Pay attention to the rain drops
Listen to each note
The different sound between the glass and  steel
The way the wind takes control
The way the lightning dances around the metal poles
The thunder claps stop being so scary
And you'll notice more like
How the streets slowly flood
How the dirt becomes mud
That the birds are gone
Hiding in the store letters
Above the bum who has nothing
But a damp sweater
He's cuddled up in a corner
Waiting for the rain to be over
Till he's rescued by an empty restaurant owner
He makes him food
They sit and talk
For hours maybe
About life. Death
And old rock
With only a single car
Passing that block
The lone driver
Was out with his lady friend
Now he's stuck
In the pissin' rain
In the middle of a flooded street
Surrounded by trees
I doubt he could see
It doesn't look like there's any fallen

I see a deer staring out from the woods
Looking at the lone driver
Just like me
I'd imagine he's just looking for some food
The storm is yours to view
You'd be surprised at all the shit you never knew

If I ever die by drowning
Please tell of the irony

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