Protect you

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The innocence never last
Even when they say the good die young
Their innocence is sure to be stripped from them
Even if it's moments before their end

But when I look into your eyes all I can see
Is someone who I used to be
Someone who never got their heart ripped from their chest
Someone who never got their soul torn from their body and had it dragged around a workplace for 16 hrs 6 times a week
Someone who never fucked up..time and time again
Someone who never had the world make them it's bitch
Someone who never saw the image they had of their family crumble in front of them

And when I look at you all I can think is
Let me protect you
Save you from the horrors that I have been through
Stop you from going and making the same stupid mistakes that everyone makes
Let you live in that innocence just a little longer
Even though I know it's bound to be taken from you
But in that innocence you wouldn't even be able to see how selfish this is of me

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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