Chapter 19 : Thus With A Kiss I Die

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A/N: You are going to hate me by the end of this chapter :p

Listen to By Your Side by Jones Blue feat. Raye

Daria's POV

Two days have passed and I finally came into a conclusion. According to my feelings of course. And that's why I need to talk to him. The girls all went to visit Kate's grandma in Chicago but I had to stay especially because my passport is expired but I still wouldn't be comfortable going anywhere before I tell Hayes everything.

Yes I love him. I always did. But it was just so hard to admit it. Even to myself.

I drove again to his warehouse. I know it might be clingy but I am really excited I finally figured out what I want.

I walked in and acknowledged the silence. There were groups of men in black holding large guns or whatever they're called. Like soldiers or ummm... what is this a revolution?

Hayes standing in the middle...saying a speech? Wow, what did I miss?

"Why do you always walk in here at a very bad timing,Davis?"

"I don't care. What I have to tell you is much more important than....whatever it is that you're doing." I said confidently.

"More important than planning for the gang war? I don't think so."

"You will talk to me or else.."

He smirked and snickered. "Or else what?"

"Agh just please I need to say this." I groaned in frustration.

"You shouldn't be here when the war is just about to begin Daria. They are on the way. Are you up for a death wish?"

"I don't care. Whatever it takes."

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Follow me."

I did and we walked into his office.

"Now, tell me what is so important."

"Okay but don't nag and listen to me. I finally came to a decision and since you left, yes I admit it, I suffered when you were gone. I was frustrated. And I remember everything you said to me in the airport. And I know you still feel the same even if you won't admit it. But Hayes, what am trying to say is that I really miss you and I finally know that I am in lov-" I was cut off by bullets flying everywhere.

His eyes widened and he took out his  gun then grabbed me as we hurried carefully behind the walls.

"You finish that sentence when we're done. Clear?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded and he asked me to hide here.

I watched him shoot people but noticed that this wasn't Artemis's gang. Speak of the devil. His gang walked in, literally shooting everywhere.

I watched the four gangs fight and it was horrible.
There was blood everywhere, and I will be definitely be deaf after the roaring sound of them shouting and don't forget the loud sound of guns and who knows what else.

Suddenly I spot Artemis and Hayes fighting. I gasp as I see Hayes stab Artemis but instantly Artemis grabs a gun and shoots Hayes in the arm while Hayes shoots him in the leg. I look around and see all Hayes gang members are occupied fighting when Artemis gang attacks Hayes at once.

I gasp and my eyes get watery. Should I get involved?
Without thinking I grab a broken piece of glass and stab whoever I saw on top of Hayes first.

Someone grabs me and holds me when I see them all holding Hayes to his knees and suddenly I feel myself die inside when I see Artemis shoot him in the chest three times. I yell for him to stop but it's like no one is hearing me.

I struggle to get out of the person's grip but as I watch Hayes fall to the ground I can't find power to push or hit anyone.
When the person lets go of me I instantly ran towards his body and shake him whilst crying my heart out.

"Hayes! Oh my God!"

He looks at me weakly and furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
"What is it that you wanted to say?"

"It doesn't matter-r you you-u..." I suttered while sniffing.

"Forget about me. Tell me what you wanted to say."

I smiled weakly and said.

"I just wanted to say that I've fallen in love many times...but always with you."

He slightly smirked and pulled my hand so I was close to his face.

"I've always liked to die with a reference sentence." He said still smirking.

"You won't die."

"How about Romeo and Juliet?" He asked.

Before I could answer he pulled me in so my lips were few inches away.

"Thus with a kiss I die." He quoted Romeo and Juliet.

And then he kissed me. It was magic, the way his lips connected with mine. It was right, and somehow, among all of the dizziness and the clinging to him like a life line, something inside me changed, never to be reversed. This I instantly saw the image if his death fade away and saved the suffering and pain for later, because, for now, I was content to feel his breath come and go with mine.

Once we pulled away, he whispered in my ear.

"There, That was my last breath."

And that's how my whole world was turned into ash consumed by fire. And my world was Hayes.


Hey loves!

Don't hate me. I won't say I hoped you liked the chapter because I know it's the way around. :p

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