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----------------> Picture of Chase on the side =)


                Surprisingly, when I left the game with my brothers no one spoke about what happened.  I really wanted to ask them what they were thinking but I was too afraid to know.  I almost gave in to my curiosity but I bite my tongue to keep myself from asking questions that I really am not ready for the answers.  When we reached home, my brothers brought me to my room instructing me to clean myself up.  “Rielle, you know I love you right?” Jay said calmly while adjusting the blankets on my princess style canopy bed.  “Just say the word and I won’t hesitate to kill that bastard” he said while fixing a strand of hair from my face.  I know he is controlling his temper because he doesn’t want to upset me any more than I was.  Trevor re entered my room his hands on his jacket pocket.  “Jay are you giving Rielle a lecture on what happened?  You know that it’s not her fault right?  I told you I should have come back to the game and gave that piece of shit a piece of my mind!”  Jay looked at him with a pointed look and shook his head,  I sat there looking at them wondering how to diffuse their anger.  I was mad at Chase for what he did, but there is this tiny feeling at the back of my head thinking how cute he acted after I punched him in the face.  I shook my head not wanting to think of Chase anymore.  I need to calm my brothers tonight before they leave for the party so that I won’t have to be the one responsible if they ended up in prison tomorrow.  I was deep in thought when Ashton taps me slightly at my shoulder and said “Your right hand hook was to die for Rielle! That jackass Atherton did not see that coming from the Waldorf heiress! I was so proud of you alright!” Looking at him I can see amusement in his eyes.  One angry brother down, two more to go, I inhaled deeply preparing myself for what I have to say.  “You guys are the most wonderful brothers anyone could ask for and I so love you all for that, but you have to calm down okay! I know what happened was unexpected and.... ” Before I could continue Trevor cut in and said “you call that unexpected Rielle? That is not unexpected for me that was unacceptable and disrespectful on you!  If we just let that guy go for what he did, hell ninety percent of the male population of this town would just go kissing you when they felt like it because we just let it go when that stupid Atherton did that in front of the whole town!  I can already hear how dad is going to react when he hears about this Jay and its all your fault because you don’t want to upset little miss princess here!”  I guess my plan of diffusing the anger is not working at all, I looked at Jay and Ashton and can see that they are slowly realizing that Trevor is right.  I need to bring my secret weapon now before they change their disposition.  I know Jay was trying not to upset me anymore than I am now, while Ashton was so proud that his baby sister kicked Atherton’s ass.  Hmmm, I breathe in and closed my eyes thinking hard of sad memories, of my dead dog who passed away when I was 7, of Jay when he went away for the first time for college, of Trevor when I found him bleeding because he was in a fight, of Ashton when he bought me skittles when he saw me crying because I got a B in my paper when I was in freshman year.  These memories made me cry, and my tears are my secret weapon against these guys.  They all went putty in my hands when I cried, I knew it and I am shamefully using it for my advantage. Ha, sue me, I just cared too much on what will happen to my brothers so I need to do this.  I opened my eyes and let a single tear fell.  Jay stiffens when he saw my tear, “This is what I am avoiding Trevor!  That’s the problem with you man, you always act impulsively, we love Rielle so much that is why her feelings must be our first priority!  It would only upset her more if we go apeshit angry on her.  We need to control our temper as hard as it may be because it is the best for her after what she experienced today!” I saw Jay’s fist open and close, a sure sign that he is really having a hard time controlling his emotions.  I hold his hands effectively calming him.  I sigh with relief when he looked at me and smiled.  “Jay’s right Trevor, Rielle is a tough girl, she showed how she can protect herself, and we should be proud of that.  This is her fight man, and our role as brothers is to just be here to support her, it’s her decision man so knock it off.” Ashton said while tapping Trevor’s shoulders.  He looked at me pointedly “You make sure to tell us if you need us to beat that ass to a pulp right?”  I smiled and shook my head in disbelief; Trevor kneeled down in front of me so his face is right in front of mine. He holds my face with his two hands and said “Baby know you are the most important in my life right? Hell, I would kill even Satan if something bad happens to you, so bare with me Rielle, please understand my temper, I love you and I am so afraid of you getting hurt, I have been  hurt countless of times so I would not want you to feel those in this lifetime!”  I looked at him not being able to control my tears, this time it was real, I was so touched with what Trevor said and my tears fell endlessly.  I only stopped crying when I heard Trevor mumbled something, I looked up to see Jay hitting Trevor’s head while saying “I told you not to upset her and you go saying cheesy things that makes her cry more! Dude, make her stop or else I’m gonna hit your head till there’s no tomorrow!”  Trevor shook his head while scratching the back of it, “You know you are lucky Jay because you’re older than me and I respect you, but if you hit me one more time, I am gonna make sure all the girls at the party tonight will not go anywhere near you because of the things I will spread about your STD’s!”  If the look Jay gave to Trevor could kill Trevor might be dead now.  I looked at my brothers and can’t help myself giggle.  The three of them looked at me amused that I was able to stop myself crying.  Ashton spoke up and I was glad of the destruction “You know guys we are running late,  I want my girl to hook up with me sober, and if we don’t leave right about now all will be left to us are wasted girls who are too drunk to even remember our names.”  Ashton looked at me pointedly waiting for me to react like he was sure I would.  “Ewww, TMI Ash! Will you just go without harassing my virgin mind!”  I said scrunching my nose.  Trevor shook my hair and smiled, “Are we good baby sister?” he said smiling at me, “Of course Trev, but promise me you won’t do anything stupid right?” I asked while raising my eyebrows.  “Don’t worry Rielle, Trevor here will be good, I promise you that!” Jay said while hugging me close.  I love these three. I just can’t believe how lucky I am because I have them.   Jay made sure that I was safely tucked in my bed that night before they went out for the night.  Good thing my parents were out of the country having their very much needed vacation or else I would be facing the mob of interrogation from my dad.  I was his princess after all.  Remembering the word “princess” sent tingles from below the pit of my stomach.  Chase said I was his princess and I was his.  I smiled inwardly thinking how hot he was in being so possessive of me.  I never thought that he being so possessive is such a turn on. I closed my eyes and tried to not think of the black haired blue eyed hunk who stole my first kiss.  This will definitely be a very long night for me!

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