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------------->> Photo of Ashton Waldorf at the side


Monday did come fast enough. I woke up early but not early enough to catch my brothers before they went to work. I stretch my arms and stand up. I can't believe I have to go to school. I feel like I am not ready yet to face my friends after what happened over the weekend. I could just stay here and avoid everyone at school but it would look like I am having a hard time coping with what happened and it would give unnecessary worry to my brothers, so I went to find my phone to check any messages only to find out it was switched off. I totally forgot that I switched it off so that I could avoid any calls. I opened my phone and dash towards the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I am completely dressed and ready for school. I went down to the kitchen to check what's for breakfast.

"Good morning Miss Rielle." Rosa said beaming at me. Rosa has been our housekeeper since I was born, so I kind of grown attached to her. Every once in a while she goes away to go home to her family but I always make sure that she'll be back soon. She has been a part of our family for so long and I can't imagine our household without her. I looked at her and beamed smiling.

"Had a good night sleep miss?" She asked amused.

"You could say that." I answered while hopping to the stool on the countertop. Rosa hand me a plate full of food. Wow! A good way to start a definitely stressful day ahead, I thought to myself. I have a plate pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast; I checked the time and noticed that I would be late if I don't go right now. I really hate Mondays; it's so difficult to drag yourself out of the house to go to school.

"I have to go Rosa, I'll see you later in the afternoon alright!" I said while standing up from the stool on the center island counter in the kitchen.

"Alright dear, make sure you stuffed yourself well! I don't like to be lectured on by your brothers later! Be careful driving." Rosa said while smiling at me wholeheartedly. She spoils me rotten like my brothers.

I peeped my head back in the kitchen before saying "One more thing, could you ask my brothers that I want to have dinner with them tonight? Also, I want peppered Wagyu steak and buttered vegetables for dinner please." I winked at her and left. She just nodded at me while smiling widely and shaking her head left and right. This is my perfect life.

When I got everything I need, I went out of our front door and clicked the unlock button of my black Audi A6. Yes, being one of the world's safest cars it has abundance of high tech safety features that includes blind spot monitoring, land departure, collision warning, and night vision systems. Those are the reasons why my brothers got it for me. I was hoping to get something sleek and fast but hey, beggars can't be choosers you know! I'm quite happy with this. This baby is moderately fast and efficient, so I don't have any complains. I revved the engine and was gone in minutes.

I got to school in record time hoping to God that all students were already inside the school. When I arrived at my usual parking space, all of my friends were there, obviously waiting for me. I took a deep breath and stopped the engine. I grabbed my bag and rolled my eyes thinking how I would be able to get out of here. I should have asked Trevor to bring me to school so that I could avoid all this drama. Did they not think I had enough of the limelight last time? Ugh! I guess I'll just have to endure this for today. I guess they are merely curious what really happened. I'll just have to fill their curiosity so they would get of my hair.

"Rielle!" Chloe, my best friend for God knows how long called me up so I looked at her and frown. She was leading the herd of cheerleaders obviously dying to hear any news regarding their ultimate crush. I don't blame them, Chase really is one hot hunk definitely drool worthy. I sighed inwardly while imaging how masculine Chase is. I shake my head left and right to somewhat erase these images I kept on imagining. I need to stop thinking like that about him, I have a plan and I should abide by it.

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