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 ------------> Trevor Waldorf at the side


I woke up blinded by the sun rays coming from the large bay windows in my room.  Who the hell open the damn curtains, ugh I don’t remember pulling the curtains last night.  I sit myself up and stretch my arms while yawning.  I inhaled and something that smells good got caught by my nose, hmmm, I wonder what that is.  I looked around my room only to be surprised by what I saw.  All around me where beautiful white and pink roses, who the hell put these in here?  I slowly stood up from my bed and walked around my room. 

My room is big, and I mean huge and to be able to fill it with roses is unbelievable.  I stopped and hesitated when I found what I was looking for.  I slowly opened the envelope and held my breath.  I think I knew who is crazy enough to do this, and I hope to God it’s not him, I almost lost myself to him yesterday and to add this would make me fall for him even more.  I closed my eyes and slowly pull the paper from the envelope.   I peeked at the paper that I was holding and gasped.  I should have known, he is really one hell of a guy! I started reading the note when I noticed myself smiling.


                Was not able to sleep well last night, I guess you should have known the reason why.  I was expecting to see you at the party, but I guess what I did left you in shock. I was a bit disappointed but then I understand.  I just want to say how happy I am because I got to steal a kiss from you; I have been planning to do that for so long. I must say that you are one tough girl to corner. With it being your first kiss is one hell of a bonus for me and I am so glad I did it even if it will cause me my life.  How are your brothers by the way? I have expected more from them, but I guess I was just so happy last night that I will accept anything they did to me. I wish I was sorry for stealing your first kiss but I am not, though I am sorry because I wished our first kiss would have been more special and private. Something that we both could cherish when we are old, but then, beggars can’t be choosers right? Anyway,  I hope you liked the flowers; I am not sure what color you’ll like so I sent you white ones to show the pureness of my intentions.  I also sent you pink ones because I guess you like pink. I wished I was the one to give you the flowers so that I could see you when you wake up in the morning but fought the urge not to if I still want to live.  The right time for that will come, and until then I’ll just have to see you from afar.


P.S.  I’ll be watching you, I promise =)

I sighed after reading the letter.  I wonder where he is now, and how the hell did these got here in my room in the first place.  I must admit, I did not expect this kind of sweetness from Chase.  He was known as a womanizer in our town, their schools biggest jock, he changes women like he changes clothes and he never dates.  Hell, even women from our school falls at his feet when he’s around.  Why the hell is he doing such big effort for me, he can choose any girl he wants except me of course.  Did he not realize that we cannot be together? His family and mine are the biggest competitors in business, and we being together will bring so much drama.  I don’t like drama; I want peace and normalcy in my life. 

After folding the paper and putting it back in the envelope I march towards my closet and opened my secret volt.  I carefully placed the envelope inside and closed the door while thinking to myself that this is the right thing to do.  I decided that I have to distance myself from Chase because many bad things will happen if I don’t.  My family will do everything in their power just to keep us apart.  I don’t want anything bad to happen to Chase so I have to be strong and fight the urge to be with him.  I felt a pain tugged at my heart, I was so sad with my decision but it is the right thing to do.  I sighed deeply and walked out of the closet.  I went to the bathroom to take a bath so I could go down and check on my brothers.  I guess they did something to Chase last night, and I will find out what the hell it is.  I quickly showered and dress myself with a pink sundress and strappy sandals; I am just staying home today because I don’t want to face my friends yet after last night.  I went down in the kitchen to check what food for breakfast is.  I was about to enter the kitchen when I heard people talking.  I stopped and discreetly listen in on their conversation. 

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