Fuck You, Helen

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"All of you, names, NOW", Dipper growled out, glaring at the group of tormenters.

The blonde came up, her 3 other friends following. She flipped her hair and fluttered her eyelashes at him. "I'm Helen, but you can call me your girlfriend~. Pleasure to meet you~" she said, blowing a kiss at Dipper. He sneers and her and waves for her to continue. Helen pays the sneer no mind and continues on," And the three behind me are Linda, Shannon, and Jennifer. Don't pay them any mind~"

Dipper rolls his eyes and growls at them, "Don't worry I have no plans to.... Care to explain why you were harassing my lovely, Y/n?" He glances over at you and smiles both handsomely and possessively at the same time?

You blush lightly as Helen goes on," Well, she was going on about, 'Dipper-Senpai this' and 'Dipper-Senpai loves me!', so we just had to put that bitch in her place!~" you gape at her while she flutters her eyelashes at Dipper, completely enamored by him.

Dipper glares at Helen and clenches his fist, holding back a bitch slap, "You better leave n o w. Before I call the authorities, better yet, I deal with you myself. And stay away from my beautiful Y/n. I don't want you polluting them.."

Helen gasps and flips you off, flipping her hair and walking out of the tent, "Just call me when you get over that ugly slut, until then I'll be waiting~..." Her minions follow her out of the tent, disappearing into the night.

Dipper sighs softly and turns to you, taking your hands into his and kissing the back of your hand, "I apologize sincerely for my wrenched fans horrific behavior just then." He frowns softly and tucks away his hair that was falling out of place, "For shame, it looks like we missed the show, and unfortunately for you, my wonderful performance."

You tilt your head slightly and think for a moment, utterly confused, "Wait a minute, if you were back here, and the show was going on out there, how did your sister hold the entire show down without your help? You know, only half of the cast was there?"

Dipper chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Mmmmagic~"

Right then Mabel walks in from outside of the tent, looking pissed, "Where were you Dipshit?? I had to do the entire show by myself, and you know how much magic I used up to create your hologram? A whole shitload, all so you could talk to your wannabe girlfriend..." She crosses her arms and frowns, just ignoring you like you aren't even there.

(if someone finds my actual name in this chapter, ill give you a shoutout update chapter)

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(if someone finds my actual name in this chapter, ill give you a shoutout update chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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