Chapter Two

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I arrived at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada at around 3pm. As soon as I stepped off the plane, something inside of me felt… right. Like I was honestly supposed to be here. No one could stop me from attending University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Being a seasoned military kid, Nevada had always been one of my favorite places we ever lived. So when I sent an application to UNLV without my parents knowing, and received a letter back a few weeks later saying they wanted to offer me a full academic scholarship, well I took it as a sign that maybe this was where I was meant to be.

I made my way to the campus and stepped into the registration office.

A girl with dull brown hair peaked her head over the desk. Her eyes widened at the sight of my white hair and lip piercings but she covered it up pretty quickly. I mean who could blame her.

“Hello! My name is Karen. You must be an incoming freshman. You’ve actually missed the orientation. It was yesterday.”

“Yeah, sorry. My names Alison. Alison Herold. I just flew in from England and I guess I got the dates mixed up. I thought orientation was tomorrow.” I was lying through my teeth. I purposely scheduled to get here a day late. Who wants to sit through a 3 hour meeting, having people smile in your face, get the wrong schedule, and get told constantly how “quickly time would fly.” No sir, not me. But apparently Kelly or whatever her name is bought it, and she happily printed out my schedule and gave me a map on how to get to my dorm. Apparently I had to make an appointment to get an I.D. since I missed the initial times. Just something else I could put off till the last second.

When I made it to my resident hall, I got my key from the student advisor and lugged all my shit up two flights of stairs. When I finally reached my dorm, the door opened and three girls stopped in their tracks when they saw me trying to juggle two boxes and a suitcase, with more shit behind me. Two of the three girls were platinum blonde. It looked like only one of them was genuine. The other was dark haired and all three of them had on more makeup than recommended.

“Um, hey. I guess I’m on of your roomma-“

“Ohhhh emm geee Taylor this must be your new roommate!” The fake blonde one spoke first, completely cutting me off. 

“Oh yeah, isn’t she from England, or London, or something?” The dark haired one spoke next. God they sounded so stupid. I looked at what appeared to be my new roommate. Taylor was it?

“Ummm.. yeah. Anyway I’m Alison. Ali for short. And I’m actually from Bradford, England but originally from the states.” I put down the box that was in my right arm to, I don’t know, hug her? I thought these things were supposed to be exciting, not awkward as hell.

“Hmm.. I was hoping you would have a British accent.” Taylor finally spoke. Then she stepped over the box I had just sat down and without missing a beat, her clones followed suit and the trio walked down the hallway talking about nail polish or some ditzy shit like that.

“Oh, I’ll be out late tonight, so don’t wait up.” Taylor turned her head and called out before they stepped down the stairs.

“Whatever bitch.” I stepped into the dorm and my jaw dropped.

“You have got to be shitting me.” The room was covered, literally covered, in clothes. Both beds had shoes and clothes thrown around. One of the dressers was covered in makeup and hair products. At least my dresser, desk, and closet was left untouched. I gathered the stuff off of my bed and threw it on Taylors. I honestly couldn’t give two fucks if she bitched at me. She has no idea whose she’s dealing with.

I finally dragged all of my boxes and bags into the dorm and got my sheets and pillows set up. I flopped onto what was now my bed and buried my head into the pillow, sending a silent prayer to whoever would listen to make tomorrow a better day, and fell into a deep sleep.

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