I. After All

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(In the year 2002...)

"AGA!! You're back!!"

She gave him a big long hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Oh, how he missed this. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, no doubt about that. He hugged her back, tight, afraid that she might simply be an illusion; afraid that she might slip away.

"You told me last week that you'll be back so I thought to give you a surprise!"

"Thanks Lea, you're the best."

He meant every word of it, an as he said so, kissed her near the corner of her lips.

"How're you and Ken?"

"Great! We're going pretty strong I'd say. He's a great guy, patient and attentive."

I am too, he thought. At least to you. More flashbacks were starting to play in his head when she interrupted his thoughts.

"Ags, you're back for good right? You won't be leaving suddenly again?"

Those eyes. He warned himself about them since he got back. Those eyes that threatened to make him spill the beans about everything. He could hold no secrets away from her. Except the fact he loved her.

"No, I won't be leaving. I have a new movie project already so there's no way I can leave again."

"What! So you're just back for work and not because you just missed me?"

Damn this girl.

"HA, why would I miss you?" he teased, and got a playful slap on his arm.

"Okay fine, I missed you," he confessed.

A lot, he thought. "But speaking of work, I'm still looking for my leading lady and a male supporting role for the casting directors, so it won't be starting any time soon and I would have time for you."

"Awww Ags, we need to catch up anyway. I have nothing on my hands except for a couple of gigs so my time's yours too."

"What about Ken?"

"He's not in Manila now so I can only video call him. It's okay though, he's probably visiting soon."

"He wouldn't mind if I steal his girlfriend, would he?" he joked.

"You look gorgeous in this get-up, by the way."

"Why, thank you! Can't risk looking ugly next to you, can I?" she smirked.

"May I?" he said, as he extended his arm. She slipped her hand into the crook of his arm.

"Or say, Lea, be my leading lady? You'd be the perfect fit for the role! Besides, we haven't done a movie together since how long? 7 years?"

"Haaaaay, Ags, you know that I'm not good with movies! It's not something within my comfort zone. Are you oblivious to that, or do you really have confidence in my acting abilities?"

"Confidence in you, my dear. Think of it as a reunion movie, our fans will be exhilarated!" And so would I, he mused. I wouldn't even need to act. It would be a near replica of my true self.

"You sure about this? You better not regret ever asking me if the box office doesn't work out well!"

"Never. I never will regret." If it brings her closer to him, why would he regret?"

"So Lea, my leading lady?"

"I'll agree to that."


"What's the plot?"

"Oh it's simple. Just you falling in love with me, and me giving you a kiss every few minutes like this." With that, he daringly gave her a peck on her lips.

"AGSSSSS! What the hell just got to you!"

"Kidding! That's not your first kiss with me anyway."

"You're such a joker."

He earned another slap on his arm. For a moment, he thought that she saw through him.

She did, actually. For a split second, she thought she saw love in his eyes. But afterwards, he just acted as if nothing happened. Maybe she was mistaken. She most likely was. Her best friend couldn't be in love with her. And besides, they've known each other for so long. He couldn't be falling in love with her now - it just didn't make sense.

Not when she had already learnt how to bury deep her feelings for him.

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