Once Again

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For some reason, Josh couldn't forget about Ronnie for that next week. The way she stayed calm in such a stressful situation, how kind she was, the way she remembered their order, something about her intrigued him, and that's why when his mother, to whom the clique referred to as Momma Dun, asked to take him to lunch, he said that they should have lunch there.

When they pulled up to the sidewalk and parked the car, he peeked inside the windows to see if she was there. He opened the door for Momma Dun. They walked into the shop, which was virtually empty.

Ronnie was there, and she greeted them, not looking up from the counter she was wiping. When she did, she smiled. "Well, if it isn't 27 Sailboats!"

"You remember!" Josh said with a smile.

"How can I help y'all today?" Ronnie asks.

"I'll have the house blend, two cream, two sugar, and a cinnamon roll." He says. "What about you, mom?"

Momma Dun looks at the menu. "What do you recommend, dear?" She asks Ronnie.

"I like the raspberry lemon tea," Ronnie says.

"I'll have that, then." Momma Dun says.

"Okay. Iced or hot?" Ronnie asks, writing on her notepad.

"Iced," Momma Dun answers. "Do you have chocolate cake?"

"Yes, ma'am. A slice of that as well?" Ronnie asks.

"Yes, please."

"Alrighty. I'll be right back." Ronnie says.

Josh watches her as she carefully pours the hot tea over ice, pours the coffee, adds cream and sugar, heats the cinnamon roll, and slices the cake. She brings it over on a tray.

"I didn't ask if you wanted it heated but did it anyway. If you wanted it cool, I'll take it back and get you another." Ronnie says to Josh.

"Nah, it's fine. I wanted it heated," Josh says.

Ronnie sits the drinks and food down in front of them. "Anything else?" She asks.

"We're good for now. Thank you," Momma Dun says.

"Alrighty," Ronnie says.

Josh and Momma Dun talk for a while, and Ronnie refills their drinks.

"She's a sweetie." Momma Dun says to Josh.

Josh nods. "She is. Brave, too."

"I could never work in a restaurant." Momma Dun says.

A few minutes later, Momma Dun's phone rings and she takes the call.
"I'll be right back," She says.

Josh puts his elbows on the counter, drinking the rest of his coffee. He sits the cup down. Ronnie comes over.

"Another?" She asks.

"Can I get the tea that you like?" He asks.

"Iced or hot?" She asks.

"Iced," He says, smiling.

Ronnie smiles and pours the tea over ice. She brings him the glass. "About the other night," She says."That tip was too much. Let me give it back to you." She says, taking money out of her apron pocket.

"No. You deserve it." Josh says.

"Please. I know my service wasn't that good." She says.

"No. You were very kind, and you do your job well." Josh says. "I insist that you keep it."

"Okay, but today's meal is on the house." She says.

"Are you sure?" Josh asks.

"One hundred percent," Ronnie says.

Momma Dun comes back into the shop. They both finish their drinks and head out. Josh puts another 20 dollar bill on the counter, hidden underneath the cups.

"See ya later, Ronnie." He says as he walks out he door.

Ronnie waves and picks up the cups, seeing the 20 dollar bill. She picks it up and runs out the door.

"Hey!" she calls after Josh.

Josh stops and turns around. Ronnie walks to him. "This is too much. I can't take it."

"Yes you can," Josh says. "It should cover today and last time."

"Your tip last time did," She says. "Here. I can't take it." She offers him the money.

"Please keep it," Josh says.

"I really can't. You may need the money." Ronnie says.

"How about this? You keep the money, and in exchange, you'll text me. Cool?" Josh says.

"I don't even know your name," Ronnie says.

"I'm Josh." He says, offering his hand.

Ronnie shakes his hand. "Okay, but just this once."

Josh smiles. "Let me give you my number, and you take mine."

Ronnie pulls out her notebook and pen. She writes her name and number on the paper and gives it to him. He takes the notepad, rips off her number, and writes his own name and number.

Ronnie smiles, "Thank you, Josh."

"Text me," He says, walking to the car.

"Okay," Ronnie says.

Josh gets into the car as Ronnie walks back into the shop.

"Well, that was weird." Momma Dun says.

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