i. rose gold castles

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" in the land of gold, a new king shall flourish "


⚘O N Er o s e g o l d  c a s t l e s

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r o s e g o l d  c a s t l e s

IT WAS THE night of enthronement.

Stephen Chrysanthos, all megawatt grins and eyes that sparkle royal blue, was now the next heir to the kingdom of Roséton. But I could tell he didn't want to be. With closed lips stretched out his plastic smile, and his eyes did not shine a glistening water like the way it used to. His countenance was carved in defeat, for the facade did nothing to conceal the truth among his expression.

     Now that his father had achieved eternal rest, the burden of responsibility was passed down to his own. From the trembling of his fingers, the sweat that shone through his forehead, I could see it was too heavy to bear — the weight too heavy to lift, and it stood against his shoulders, slowly bringing him to his ruination.
     "His dad would be proud."

     I looked over to my father, a reminiscent smile and eyes glazed at the thought of his deceased best friend. My own voice seemed to be lost in the mangle of my thoughts, so I cleared my throat in hopes of gaining it back.

     Managing to nod, I muttered out a feeble, "Yeah."

     I sat in the front, on the very first row of seats that overlooked the throne down below, wedged between my father and an unfamiliar elite. It was a great vantage point, an area that gives a bird's eye view of the entirety of the hall, a place perfect to use the opera glasses.

     The throne room of Rosegold Castle was a magnificent one. Stretched across the center aisle, there was a red carpet lined with golden margins, its end reaching at the very foot of the stairs that climb to the throne. And up above, a skyline of mosaic artwork covered the entirety of the ceiling, where a large golden chandelier hung.

     Conversation flowed through each and every guest, their topics relating to the excitement and new beginnings that the new king would open up. My heart ached for him, for if I were in his shoes, I'd only disappoint.

     "Announcing the arrival of her Majesty, the Queen Xavierre Chrysanthos, please all stand."

     I slowly stood up from my seat. And thus, the conversation amongst others had abruptly come to an end; replacing it with the sound of trumpets reverberating against marbled walls. Royal guards had lined across each side of the carpet, thin swords coated gold in hand as they clashed it together above their heads.

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