iv. forget me not

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"remember the things where everything seems perfect"


F O U Rf o r g e t  m e  n o t

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f o r g e t m e n o t

WE WERE FRAGMENTS of what used to be.

Silence seemed to dawn over us, something that never used to be as omnipresent as it had been now. As I twiddled my fingers in my lap, looking over the flower fields that were running past, I took my time to placate the sporadic thuds of my heart and the anxiety flooding my entire stomach.

     But every time I let my eyes close for just a sliver of a moment, it almost felt like nothing had changed at all. I let this happen, this emerging gap between us, because I was too selfish of my own heartbroken wellbeing to even consider his feelings.

     How was I to move on when he's consistently here? Because every time he was within my arms reach, I just wanted to hold him against my own skin for the rest of eternity.

Stephen decided to break the silent walls, saying something I wasn't clearly able to hear.

     "Huh?" I blinked, and suddenly my thought bubble had popped into oblivion.

"Do you want to eat something?" He asked again, tilting his head to the side, and I couldn't help but think that it was adorable of him to do so.

I couldn't find my voice. But then, I managed to utter out, "Sure, I guess."

     From the corner of my eye, I saw him glance at me and I squirmed under the intensity of his gaze. "You know, I still don't get why you've been ignoring me."

     And then I stilled. As unmoving as the stagnant water that had been his eyes, I swallowed the lump clogged in my throat. "I–I was busy."

     "I'm not buying it."

     Of course, someone as perceptive and observant as he, wasn't gullible enough to even believe the false gold that spew out my mouth. I knew for a fact that I had been quite obvious, what with the nervousness and the whole not-talking-to-him ordeal, and it would've been for the best if I had something to fortify the lie.

"Well, I, uh," I stuttered. But then, sighed defeatedly. "Okay, fine. You got me."

I saw him smile, not a happy one, but something that resembled of rainy skies and deep blue sadness. He clenched the steering wheel tight. "I knew it."

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