r o s é t o n

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a brief introduction to the fictitious land that is roséton. this is probably quite irrelevant but i could not help myself! my imaginations were literally amok in my brain and i absolutely had to do this. this went too far hahahahaha but i don't care!!!

keep in mind that the translations of this country's name to another language is purely made up.

K I N G D O M  O F  R O S É T O NRoyaume de Roseque (French)Königreich Rosien (German)Koninkrijk Roselgïe (Dutch)

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K I N G D O M  O F  R O S É T O N
Royaume de Roseque (French)
Königreich Rosien (German)
Koninkrijk Roselgïe (Dutch)

K I N G D O M  O F  R O S É T O NRoyaume de Roseque (French)Königreich Rosien (German)Koninkrijk Roselgïe (Dutch)

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Roséton (ro-se-tun), is the second to the last kingdom to be governed by an absolute monarchy in Europe. It is a small country situated in Western Europe, between the border of France and Belgium, and is a mix of English, French, and Belgian culture, but predominantly English. Famous for its flourishing flora, Roséton is a tourist destination for all gardeners and botanists. The capital Fleurmond (short: Fleur) is where the Rosegold Castle was established, located near the cliffs of Dover.

Other cities include: Großfurt, Wenberg, Denderringen, Innszis, Dorräschen, Vines, Banbridge, Newdare, and Dubstones.

Roséton does not have a language of its own, but it's official ones include: English, French, German, and Dutch.

The country is dominantly a Protestant nation.

The kingdom is most notably known for the construction of Freedom Brooke Bridge (now Pont de Eleutheria) during British rule, where a bridge was built that stretched across the Strait of Dover, connecting England to mainland Europe. The bridge was spearheaded by Queen Fleur Chrysanthos I, to liberate the Rosetians of British tyranny. Although the ruling lines had nearly went extinct during the German invasion of 1940, the remaining family had miraculously lived on, and still governs the country until now.

[ see : history ]

The current monarchs of Roséton are: Queen Xavierre Chrysanthos and the married-into-royalty Prince Fred Duke of Roséton (deceased). They had conceived a son, named Stephen Lionel Chrysanthos. The monarch is not as strict when it comes to marrying a person of a different class, but is most definitely a requirement to be married to continue the lineage.

          As of late, her Majesty herself is the last surviving lady of the royal-blooded Chrysanthos heir. Family records show that she is an only child, same goes to both her parents.

Their family name comes from the Greek Χρύσανθος, which translates to 'golden flower' in modern English. The Chrysanthos monarch greatly contributed to the creation of the Roséton flag — the golden strip which symbolizes them — during the country's independence in 1837.

 The Chrysanthos monarch greatly contributed to the creation of the Roséton flag — the golden strip which symbolizes them — during the country's independence in 1837

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