v. all that is gold

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" all that is gold does not glitter "

" all that is gold does not glitter "

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a l l t h a t i s g o l d

FADED ROSE GOLD bricks came into view.

The day had been filled with clouds ladened of rain, and the world succumbed into grayness, pellets sliding down against chilled windows as the car trekked through slippery roads and heavy downpour. Coldness seemed to seep through my thick fabric, so I turned on the heater a little bit more.

Behind the glass panes that divided us from the storm of the outside, I watched blankly as the world zipped by, landscapes changing; from Romanesque buildings to towering trees, then from Dover cliffs to castle bricks.

"I don't understand why the queen wants to see you," said Sorrel. His gaze was unwavering, trained to the road that laid before our very eyes. "It's just weird."

"Yeah, I know," I responded with a rather prolonged yawn. I hadn't been able to get enough sleep last night, not with Sorrel sleeping over and definitely not after we had watched a marathon of movies — from action, to sappy romances, we had seen all but if not, most of the genres.

As we neared the gates of the bricked castle walls, Sorrel stopped the car. Palace guards begun to inspect every nook and cranny of the vehicle, dark blue umbrellas in hand as one of the red-coated sentinels tapped on the driver window.

     Sorrel rolled down the glass, and through the melody of rain crashing against earthen lands, I heard the gravelly voice of the guard. "What's your purpose here?"

"The queen wants to see my... I mean, Flora Rosenberg."

And after much interrogation, we had reached the castle doors.

     Sorrel casted me a glance, grasp slackening on the wheel, with his eyes glazed a pool of curious emotions, and a frown that edged across his chapped lips. "Do you want me to come with you?"

I shook my head and pulled the hoodie over my head. "It's okay, Sor. She wants to see me alone."

His head slowly bobbed up and down, unlocking the car doors. "Well, take care, darling." Then, with outstretched hands, he came to pull my head closer, the feel of his lips against my forehead bringing about a sensation of warmth.

     I could never get over his kisses.

     My face felt hot. "See you, Sor."

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