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(Don't play video until said!)

When you recall a memory or a bitter moment because of a Pokémon theme you heard so much, so you end up making lyrics about it.

You understand, because you're a Pokémon fan.

Mine? PMD's Northern Desert was a nightmare.

LYRICS I MADE: (Play video and read along here!)

Lyrics begin as soon as theme begins...

I'm running minus 3.
I'm running minus 3!
I'm running minus 3.
I'm running minus 3!
Slowly sandstorms take away Hp. (Running, minus 3!)
Sandstorm plus Sand Vail equals lots of Reviver Seeds!
Now, I wander over the sand as the storm slowly takes away... my Hp. HP!
Here I go, coming across some Sandshrew. (Running, minus 3!)
Sandstorm plus Sandattack equals more Reviver Seeds!
Then, I begin to wonder on why Duskinior sent me here in the first place. Oh why?
Food oh please food.
All I see is just Grimy Food.
I swear if I live through this I have things to say to... the likes of you;
"Could have killed me!"
"Could have been there!"
Chatot, why must you make things so freakin' hard? (Running minus 3!)
"You should go there!"
"Know what I went through!"
But of course, I can't, I just can't. I just can't!
Gosh, a Monster House!
It's full of lots of Sandshrew! (In a Sandstorm, I will die now, I will die now! I will die now!)
Spare me, oh spare me, I have nothing but Plain Seeds. (Sandstorm's trying to kill me! Oh, please just spare me!)


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