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•Cloud's POV

We all go to our said mission...

Our mission is to take down Sephiroth because he is the one who nearly killed Vaan last time...

We are separated into 4 groups...



-Onion Knight

We separated ways...team one and team two are going to Sephiroth's direction while group three to backup and group 4 to spectate,guide and support us...

We go to the direction but there are too many enemies...

Squall and I are always duo and Zidane is duo with Olyv...Olyv is only our healer...

And when someone attacks Olyv, Zidane will take care of that stuffs...

•Tifa's POV

When we fighted, I saw Cloud defending Olyv...

Ugh....It hurts too much...That he is with her and not with mine...How can he be with Olyv that onlyv is just a weakling!

"Tifa!Focus."Lightning instructed..

"Oh!Yeah, right..." I said.

I know that Cloud would not love someone like that...

It's all okay, Olyv can love Cloud but she can't take Cloud from me...

•Cloud's POV

It's already night and we are finding the other groups...When I saw Serah, it means that Tifa is there...

"Cloud!Help!Tifa is in danger!"Serah shouted in fear.

When I saw my group, Zidane is dealing with other enemies and Squall is fighting too and Olyv is just in there watching Zidane and Squall defenselessly.

I saw Tifa laying inthe groud weakly while I saw Olyv defending herself from enemies using her long spear...

Who shall I save?

But when there is a monster behind Tifa I unconciously runned to Tifa while I saw Olyv hurted by the enemies....

Then I tried to run to Tifa and carried Tifa into a bridal style...

I saw her uncocious and felt her breathe slow...So I tried to CPR her by kissing her...

•Olyv's POV

I saw Cloud kissing Tifa......
It hurts...
I know now...Cloud really loved Tifa..He saved Tifa than me,He choose Tifa and he sacrifices everything for Tifa..

I get it now...

I quickly killed the enemies in no time and made my darkest aura...

I left them all and runned to another direction...

I felt my tears began to fall on my cheeks...
I just ran and ran until I bumped someone...Someone that is a guy...

"Hey, watch where youre going...."the guy said...

I watched to his face...

•Noctis's POV

When I walk, I bumped over a girl and scolder her...

But when I saw her face, my heart clenched...

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