Chapter 11

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-Mum, please take me home. I need to get out of here. - I was nearly crying.

-What is happening to you? - Only a few weeks apart from home but she doesn't seem to know me as she used to.

-Take me home please. Just one day. Just one.

-Just one. - She repeated after me. -I have one condition..tell me everything, I need to know. Why did you left college without telling anyone with an unknown, why between a million places to go you chose the homeless children center?

She will never understand. She's not me. Well, the opposite is true as well. I can't understand how does it feel when a parent can't understand his own child actions or behaviour. I thought this was only in movies but I seem to be the main character of the real story. That homeless children center.. how many thoughs inside me has it changed, how many lessons it taught me..the world's really weird, unfair..

Patience dear reader, here I'm explaining you everything:

As I went with Sasha out of the college we walked about 1 hour and 20 minutes to reach the final destination. I had been asking Sasha tones of questions about the building, the children, the rules but she didn't want to answer saying that it was better for me to find out by myself. There it was. A white building appeared in front of us and if I hadn't seen a wooden signboard with the name of the center I would think it was a construction site. It wasn't small, it was either big. It was like a home, an unfinished one, the white walls were very distant, cold. My eyes wanted to see everything in the same time the conditions, workers, children, walls as my heart was trembling as never before. Going out of a world I was part in because I have decided so and meeting with the real life where people don't have any choice at all was more difficult than I expected. I can't describe the feeling and I am sorry for that. I will let you take this words my ears came across as you feel them. Some nurses and a group of women were gathered around a little innocent creature and they were on tears because a baby girl spoke for the first time and said 'mama'. When everyone else would have celebrated like crazy the first moment of speaking of a baby, here, they were wiping their eyes from the pain that this 'mama' doesn't deserve to be called so. She missed.

Another boy was going to attend a surgery as I heard because he has a problem in his eyes.
-Will you accept this as a sign of a superhero skills that will make all this easier? - I said while holding a bracelet I have carried for years for good luck.
-Who are you? - his pure face was trying to search on my face and find someone familiar.
-I am somwone who needs this bracelet less than you today.
-Superheros excits in fairy tales, in fairy tales everyone has a family. I don't have either of them.
-But look around. How many people wants you to be okay and thats why they want to support and give you love. - He looked around and then turned to me.
-Eleven - he said. - You told to count them. - Thank you. You are real. Come again. Please.
I hugged him so tight.



-Let's go home. You are not good. I will talk to the director to apologise for you getting out without permission and ask him to let you go with me. Wait me in the car.

-Thank you. - Thank you mum for showing up in the right time, when I needed to feel you by my side, when I needed to feel your presence in my life. That' the human race..we understand the importance of things when you don't have them or when we see around how it is not to have them.

I started telling my mum everything about my visit on that centre without trying to look unaffected or strong. I tried to be myself and her know how difficult it was for me.

-I am here. - he whispered in the end. She is here so everything was possible with her by my side.

-Mum..I miss dad. I want him to spend time with us, I even miss our fights.

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