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It took 5 minutes to walk to Hercules and Lafayette's dorm. During the walk my head ache slowly faded away and almost all the memory from last night came back to me. There's one thing I can't seem to remember. I can't remember what happened to me and John after we made it to our dorm. "Hopefully John remembers" I thought curiously. My thoughts came to a stop when we got to there dorm. Lafayette unlocked his dorm door and we went inside. Once inside Johns and Hercules eyes locked onto mine. John was blushing and Hercules was smirking with Lafayette. " Good luck explaining " Hercules snickered as he patted Johns shoulder and walked out of the room with Lafayette. "So...what happened last night after we got back to our dorm ?" I asked being straight forward. " Well uh I-I " he stuttered. "Come on just tell me it's probably not that bad" I said. "wellweuhalmostmadelove" he said quickly. " I did not understand anything you just said" I said with a chuckle." To be blunt we almost had s-ex" he said more clearly while blushing. My face paled instantly after I comprehended what he said . "O-h" I said not looking at John and scratching the back of my neck . "Oh is all you have to say? " he said walking toward me while racking a hand through his hair and looking at me slightly angry. "Well what am I supposed say? Oh we almost fucked ?cool have a good day " I said defensively when he came at me angrily. "I don't know ? What do you feel about it? " he said trying to calm down. " I don't know how to feel about it" I said as I looked down. John tilted my head up so I was looking at him. "Well I-i like y-" he was cut off by a huge bang from behind the door. "Shhh Hercules your being to loud you oaf there going to hear us and it was just getting good" I heard a french accent whisper from the other side of the door . John and I looked at each other questioningly and then opened the door. Once the door opened Lafayette and Hercules fell down onto the ground in front of us cause of them leaning there ears against the door . " uh we can explain " Hercules said with a nervously. " yea-h it's a funny story actually " Lafayette said with a nervous chuckle. " It was Lafayette's idea" Hercules said ratting out Lafayette. Lafayette looked at him with a look of betrayal. " oh really it was my idea? I recall just a couple minutes ago you told me oh they would be such a good couple we should listen to them and see if John admits his feelings" Lafayette said ratting out Hercules. "I may or may not have said that but you still agreed to it" Hercules argued back. Lafayette and Hercules continued to argue as I laughed at the there situation. " so you like what " I asked John with a blush. " I like chocolate" he said changing what he was really going to say. " Pussy" Hercules and Lafayette said to john at the same time. "No I'm not fuck you" he said defensively. "If you said what you were going to say in the first place you wouldn't be one but you didn't so you are one" Lafayette said to John with a smirk. "Grrr fine Alexander I like you a lot" he said with a blush. " I like you to " I said while blushing also. John then smashed his lips onto mine. Lafayette ,Hercules , and me all looked at him shocked. I then slowly closed my eyes and kissed him back . I then heard a camera flash and John and I opened our eyes to see them taking pictures of us while smiling and giggling like school girls. John and I separated embarrassed. "Delete those know "I said trying to grab there phones. "Nope every one gots to see the new couple " they said as they ran away from us and started posting pictures of us kissing every where.

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