Hang over

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"Ugh" I groaned as I slowly woke up with a huge headache. I slowly sat up rubbing my forehead and scalp trying to make the pain in my head go away . " Here you go mon amie " some one said beside me . I look to the right and saw standing next to my bed Lafayette holding a glass of water in one hand and pain killers in the other. "Thanks" I mumbled as I tossed the pills in my mouth and took 3 huge gulps of water. "No problem i know from experience how bad hang overs can be especially yours with all the beer you drank last night" Lafayette said with a chuckle. I scrunched my eyes tightly closed slowly remembering what happened last night. "Lafayette what happened last night?" I asked . "You don't remember ?" He asked confused. "I only remember in parts but it's slowly coming back to me " I said while thinking hard trying to remember everything. "Oh johns gonna have a hard time explaining what happened " Lafayette mumbled to himself while chuckling. Alexander looked at Lafayette confused but decided not to ask about. "So where's john?" I asked looking around not seeing him in the dorm. "Oh he's with Hercules " he said simply."Can we go and see them so I can ask john what happened " I asked . "Sure lets go also what's your sexuality ?" He asked. "Straig-ht of cours-e " I stuttered nervously. "Sure you are" he said while smirking. I blushed" let's just go to Hercules place" I said changing the subject. "Alright lets go " he said as he chuckled  while we walked out the door. 

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