Cute breakfast time

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Alexander's pov
I slowly woke up to see that john was no longer in the bed with me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes trying to get myself completely awake. I yawned and got up to find john. I was looking all over our dorm room when I passed by the kitchen and smelled something cooking. I went into the kitchen and saw john humming to himself and moving his hips slightly as he cooked eggs and bacon. I watched him silently just enjoying the sight of him when I saw him smirk slightly. "Are you just gonna stand there and stare or are you gonna sit at the table and wait till I'm done cooking" he said as he continued cooking. I blushed but smirked back and said " I think I'll just stand here and enjoy the view". He raised an eyebrow , put the eggs and bacon on a plate and walked towards me slowly while shaking his hips back and forth. He then put his hands on either side of my head. I froze and stared at him blushing as he brought his face closer to mine. His eyes looked me up and down and smirked and said " I'm liking the view to". He then pecked my noes and grabbed my hand and lead me to the table. "Tease" I muttered as he sat me down at the table and brought a plate of eggs and bacon and put it in front of me. John giggled hearing what I muttered and patted my head. " your a big boy deal with it" he said as he sat down next to me and started eating. I poured jokingly and took a couple bites out of my food. After 3 bites i felt full and stopped eating. John look at me weirdly as he finished his plate. " Aren't you gonna finish your breakfast ?" He asked. "No I'm not that hungry" I said as I put the rest of my breakfast into the trash. He nodded and put both of our plates into the sink. I walked over to john and pecked his lips. " thank you for breakfast " I said as wrapped my arms around his neck. " I don't think that's a proper thank you" he said as he lifted me up which made me wrap my legs around him. I blushed. "Then how can I thank you" I said as he carried me to our bed. " oh I have an idea " he said with a smirk.

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