Day Nine

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Godric is incredible, and that is a problem. The last three nights passed without incident, and, in every single one of them, Godric found me, and somehow got me to talk about a variety of things ranging from my opinion on vampire books (hysterical and entertaining, especially now that they proved to actually exist) to my personal hobbies, occasionally even my grandmother, which is the closest thing to discussions about my family that we ventured into. Godric isn't exactly what I'd call a 'talker', vampire Ghandi seems to sum him up rather well since he seems to prefer listening to talking, but we find ourselves on the same page when it comes to trust, a sort of give and take. I may spend most of the time talking, but for every bit of information I'm willing to offer, he's more than willing to respond; he's told me about all the books he's read in his numerous years of existence as well as his progeny Eric who seems to be the only member of his 'family' that he's willing to discuss. After our ridiculously deep discussions from our first meeting, we've decided to mellow out, and without a reason to incite our deep discussions, there's really no reason to get into things like that, and I think we both prefer it that way. 

The first night that I had off from the Hotel Camilla was spent cleaning my apartment and throwing up blood in my toilet yet again. I ignored another message from my mother and put off calling my brother, ate Chinese food, and caught up on my serious lack of sleep with, thankfully, no interruption from Garrett. I wrote a new song before dropping off on the couch yet again after watching a Sons of Anarchy marathon. The second night, Godric found me right before I closed up Sound Bites for the night, and we spent the next three hours walking around Dallas; I don't know what he finds so interesting about little old me, but regardless, the walk was enlightening as always with the two of us trying our hardest to peer through the smog and point out constellations, which I felt were open to interpretation. Godric disagreed. 

After those three days of peace, I guess I should have been expecting something...exciting to happen, but I didn't because when someone knocks on my door, I call out for the person on the other side to wait a second before pinning up my hair and hurrying let my impromptu visitor in. I pull open the door with a slight smile that immediately drops as my gaze lands on the rakish figure on the other side. 

"Colton?" I choke out while he comes in with a smile, closing the door behind him like he owns the place. 

He doesn't. 

My brother, Colton, is what my mother always refers to as 'a looker'. For obvious reasons, I've never really seen him that way, but I suppose-in theory-he's a good looking man of twenty years old. Like me, my brother has very light brown skin-a gift from our Haitian grandma-as well as curly black hair that he's always kept close-cropped except for his two year phase when he was an 'artiste'. His eyes are chocolate brown but he's lean and extremely slender, unlike me who's nearly always had an athletic build. 

Colton grins at me, wrapping me in a hug that I return gingerly, "Jesus, Lanie, how have you been? You never called me! How did the doctor's appointment go?" 

I blink at his rapid string of questions before I finally nod in understanding, "The doctor's appointment went fine." It's a very vague non-answer that leaves him to decide the answer that he wants to hear. 

Nodding, Colton leaves his hands on his shoulders as he looks into my eyes, "That's great. Why didn't you call me? The kids have been begging me to get you to visit for ages." 

"Oh?" I begin uncertainly and uncomfortable as he moseys further into my apartment, leaning down to pet oh-so-friendly Anubis while Mufasa watches him from the doorway to my bedroom through narrowed eyes. Somebody loves me, I think to myself, shooting a dirty look at Anubis. "And what are you doing here, Colton? Is the whole family here?" 

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