Day Seventy-Five through Seventy-Seven

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As soon as I awake, I know I'm in deep shit. 

I'm in a dark room with no windows that seems to be made entirely of concrete. There are boxes of stuff laying and stacked around the room haphazardly, floor to ceiling. It's cold and drafty, and I'm all alone, laying across a stained and thin mattress made for cots at girl scout camps and stuff. My wrists are chaffed because they're bound together in plastic cuffs, and I narrow my eyes at my hands as I pull myself into a sitting position, looking around the room. There are bars surrounding me into a makeshift prison, and I frown, rolling to my feet and walking to the bars to peer out of them. 

"Hello?" I call out, and when I hear nothing I sigh dramatically, "Hello? Somebody? I know somebody's out there!" 

A part of me realized that I should be panicking, but I don't think I've quite grasped the fact that I've been kidnapped yet. Besides, it could be a joke, right? I lean on the bars and start singing, loud and off-key, any song I can think of waiting for someone to respond. I begin with Tik Tok, ad-lib a little Katy Perry, toss in some Selena Gomez, and finally, by the time I'm done half-rapping, half-singing Love the Way You Lie by Eminem and Rihanna a door slams open, and I pause, waiting for them to say something. 

"Shut up!" 

"Who the hell are you?" I reply. 

The door slams, and I start singing again until I hear it open again, "I said shut up, you fangbanger bitch!" 

"I'll sing all day if you don't get down here and tell me what the hell is going on!" 

The man curses, and the door slams closed again while I groan, leaning my head back against the bars and sliding down to sit on the ground. Closing my eyes and trying not to freak out, I sing any and every song that pops into my head ranging from All Time Low to Hannah Montana when the door finally slams open again followed by footsteps down the stairs. I keep my eyes closed and continue singing even as they descend the staircase towards my makeshift jail cell, and I don't stop until they bang against the bars. 

Then, I shake my head, "Are you finally going to share what's going on with the class?" 

"We're not going to tell anything to some fangbanging bitch," someone hisses angrily. 

"In my defense, I only fucked him once," I remark. 

"You're a whore who needs to repent for yours sins, and the sins of the damned fanger that went back on his word and nearly killed my whole congregation." 

The voice sounds familiar, and I look up to see Steve Newlin standing across from me with a man and a woman standing behind him, looking at me with disgust. It's certainly a new sight from the looks of pity I get from the hospital, the soft looks I gets from Godric, and the disdain I get from the general populace thanks to my tattoos and single facial piercing. However, I can handle people being pissy about me expressing myself, the look of sheer disgust from associating with a vampire who's protected, taken care of, and helped me through a lot more than any human person ever has gets under my skin quickly and with little effort. My immediate reaction is to get defensive and angry; after all, they don't exactly strike me as dangerous, but then I remember that Godric had had his home bombed by these people and-hey guess what?-they kidnapped me. The panic slowly begins to sink in. 

"I'm at the Fellowship," I say slowly, mostly for myself, "why?" 

"A deeply concerned member of the congregation called and asked us to help you find your way," Steve Newlin says with sickly sweet benevolence. 

I frown at him, "This is some kind of re-education center? Because my best friend's a vampire?" I'm shocked and terrified at what the hell these people are going to do to me. I know that even if Godric didn't get my call, he'll still know I'm missing and try to find me, right? Don't psyche yourself out, he's coming, I think to myself. I have no idea how long it'll take considering what he said about the blood bond being weak and his only being able to pinpoint my general area, not exactly reassuring. After all, the Fellowship isn't exactly know for their re-education of vampire sympathizers unless tying Sookie to a vampire and making her burn to repent her sins of dating a vampire counts as 're-education' to them. It doesn't to the rest of the rational world. 

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