Day Seventy-Eight

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This time, I don't awake in a prison cell. I awake in a bed-Godric's bed-alone with absolutely no Godric in sight, but I stretch across it, breathing in his scent and reveling in how good I feel for the first time in weeks all thanks to Godric's amazing blood. I look down at myself to find myself dressed in a pair of Godric's white cotton pants and a t-shirt that's entirely too big, and I smile feeling clean. For a moment, I just lay there and relish the fact that it's that time of the morning where everything just seems to make sense and the whole world is at peace. I take a deep breath and breathe in Godric's unique scent; I feel my whole body relax just before the yelling begins. 

"Please, no, you can't do this!" 

"You have no proof! You're going to do this with no proof!" 

"I'm human! You have no right to decide this!" 

Then there's more bickering. I sigh wanting to stay in bed, but I get up anyway, making my way down the hallway to where Godric's sitting in a chair, looking up at where his blond, Viking progeny, Eric, is holding my sister-in-law firmly in his grip. My brother's fighting the hold of another vampire looking furious while another vampire holds Stephen. Steve Newlin struggles in the hold of two vampires, and I raise my eyebrows. They really think he's going to escape. Behind Godric, resting a hand on the back of the chair, is a beautiful, Latina vampire that I'm assuming in the new Texas sheriff who took over for Godric, Isabel. 

Isabel shakes her head, "The decision is yours, Godric. She's your human." 

Frowning at the scene, I look at Godric before following his gaze to land on where my sister in law doesn't look the least apologetic. Instead, she looks furious and disgusted, which goes to show you exactly what kind of a person Jennifer is. I can see how furious Godric is just by how tense his whole body is and how impassive his face is; I see the effort it takes him to turn his head away from my sister-in-law to where Stephen stands, suddenly looking like a deer in headlights. 

"And what do you have to say for yourself?" Godric asks him, suddenly rising to stand in front of him. 

"She deserved it," Stephen hisses while Godric's eyes narrow even more. My stomach drops, "She's a dirty fucking fangbanger who that that she could make a fool out of me. I would have shown her exactly what it was being with a real man and not some dead piece of shit, and she would have enjoyed it like the fucking whore she is." 

My gaze turns red as I glare at the man, and Godric glances over his shoulder at me and his gaze softens before he turns back to Stephen. "I should kill you," Godric says to Stephen who raises his chin defiantly. Godric shakes his head, "You would just be one more victim in a long line of people I have killed. However," Godric says, "humans have such short lives, and I have found that as much as I want to take revenge for harming mine, I will spare you and your miserable, pathetic existence. Just be aware that the next time you threaten what's mine I will do far worse than killing you. I will make you a shadow of a man." Stephen cowers under Godric's frightening gaze, and I fight a smile, pressing my hand to my mouth to escape a smile. Everyone seems surprised, but I'm unexpectedly relieved. Knowing he could kill someone is one thing, but I think seeing it is something else entirely. Besides, Stephen's not another stain on Godric's soul. "And get out of Dallas, because if anyone one else in this room drains you, I'll have no objection," Godric's words are practically a hiss, but they're obviously a threat. 

The vampires in the room give him a frightening smile as the vampire holding Stephen releases him, popping out his fangs for good measure. Stephen runs from the room, his fear evident while Godric turns to my sister in law, the anger radiating from him palpable; it's clear that between Jen and Stephen, Jen is the one he finds responsible for everything that happened. Jen raises her head and gives Godric a long, hard glare that he seems unconcerned with while he studies her in silence before looking up at Eric. Their silent conversation is evident, especially after Eric inclines his head respectfully at his maker. 

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