Day Twenty

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They are ready. 

I stare at myself in the mirror with a huge grin stretching across my face as I turn to look at Tristan and Orlando, my tattoo artist, with obvious glee. "Holy shit, Orlando, they look so fucking badass," I squeal gleefully, turning my attention back to the mirror and putting my hands on my hips so that I can get a better look at the tats before I make a small sound of joy, "They're awesome, thank you so much." I tell Orlando profusely, turning around to give him a hug. 

Orlando laughs, shrugging me off and inclining his head for us to follow him to the counter. I hand him my credit card, and he shakes his head at me, "It's on the house. I thought you didn't have an addiction to tattoos." 

I glare at him, "I don't. Every tattoo I get has meaning to me, and these are no exception." 

"You got five, Mel," Orlando replies with a 'duh' tone in his voice. 

Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms over my chest, "Three of them are really small." 

Tristan laughs, "Don't worry about it, Orlando. Lanie's been having a hell of an adventure over the past three weeks. She even met a man." Tristan raises his eyebrows playfully while Orlando looks impressed and oohs appreciatively. 

Shaking my head, I grab my card back from Orlando and stuff it in my pocket, glaring at the two of them. "I hate you both. I didn't meet a man; I met a vampire. An old, powerful vampire with suicidal tendencies, okay?" 

"Is he attractive?" Orlando inquires teasingly. 

"I-I-I," I stumble over my words before crossing my arms over my chest and bristling defensively, "He's a vampire." 

Orlando and Tristan look at each other, shaking their heads at my words before Orlando sighs in exasperation, "Are you attracted to him?" 

"'s! He's just...we're just...will you two leave me alone? We're friends." 

Tristan and Orlando give each other knowing smiles while I frown at the two of them through narrowed eyes. Tristan shakes his head, "Girl, you're not fooling anyone." I exhale as I send them both one last glare before turning on my heel and walking out, unwilling to discuss Godric with the two of them, let alone the state of our relationship, non-relationship, possible friendship. I'd never really fathomed being friends with a vampire. I could certainly do worse as far as friends go than Godric, but he was attractive and broken and unwilling to forgive even himself, plus I'm dying. We're not exactly a primo recipe for friendship. They laugh as I walk away, and I flip them the bird over my shoulder as Tristan runs to catch up, "Honestly, Lanie, are you seriously gonna pretend you're not in lurve with him." 

"Don't be ridiculous, Tristan. I'll admit to attraction, but I'm not in love with him." 

"But you like him, and here I never thought I'd see the day. Will wonders never cease?" 

I elbow him, "Shut up. I'm not going to pursue it because it'll never work." 

"Oh no?" Tristan waggles his eyebrows at me, and I groan. 

"No, because he's a suicidal vampire Ghandi, and I'm a hot mess." And I'm dying. The last thing I want was for Godric to get emotionally attached to me (if that's even possible for someone as broken as him), the way I fear I'm getting to him (if that's even possible for someone as jaded as me). I will die and give Godric one more reason to push himself over the edge of depression and become a vampire inferno. I care about him far more than originally intended, but only means so much to a dying girl. I like him too much to pursue a relationship, and I like my heart unbroken enough not to pine for one since Godric put the 'dam' in damaged. He's about as capable of having a functional relationship as little dying me. "Don't be an ass, and let it go. I have work!" 

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