Boom town

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Journey to Boom Town

Axel: Woooo-hoooo!! Aw, come on, Jesse. You're not even having a little fun? I mean, I am! I mean, sure the world's in danger, but this is our chance to be heroes! Breathe in the sulfur! Enjoy yourself!

Y/n: Axel, we need to stay focused. Our mission is critical.

Jesse: Just don't lose track of why we're here, okay? If we don't get the Order back together, the Witherstorm is going to eat EVERYTHING.

Axel: You know what? You're right. We're gonna find Magnus, bring him back, and he'll TOTALLY know how to blow that thing sky high!

Ghast Encounter

Axel: Uh... DUDE!

A Ghast appears and attacks the trio, blowing them off the track.

Jesse, Axel, Y/n: Whooooooah!!!

Jesse: Ow, ow, ow, ow.

Jesse: Hide.

The ghast fires at the group.

Dodge Fire Charge | Do Nothing

Jesse narrowly avoids the fire charge. The group hides behind a netherrack wall.

Y/n: We need a plan. Let's think this through.

Axel: Why does it hate us so much?

Jesse notices the minecarts nearly falling off the edge.


Axel: Hurry! Use something on that Ghast!

Jesse: Okay, think fast, Jesse... What to choose?

Use Sword | Use Bow & Arrow | Use Fishing Rod

Jesse swings the sword.

Axel: Just, uh, don't miss, okay? I don't want it to hate us even MORE.

Axel and Y/n pull the minecarts while Jesse confronts the ghast.

**(Chose Sword) | (Chose Bow & Arrow) | (Chose Fishing Rod)**

The ghast fires at Jesse, but Jesse knocks the fireballs back with his/her sword, killing it.

Axel and Y/n successfully pull the minecarts back on the rails.

Axel smiles.

Jesse: Time to move, buddy! Let's go!

Y/n: Good job, everyone. Now let's keep moving.

The group gets back on the ride.

**Boom Town Arrival**

Axel: You were awesome, Jesse! With that Ghast, and chasing the minecart...! That is, like, the perfect warmup for when we get to Boom Town.

Jesse: "Boom Town"?

Axel: Yeah... Boom Town!

The group passes the multicolored sign that says "BoomTown" and finds the portal.

Axel: This is it!

Jesse enters the Nether Portal first, followed by Axel and Y/n.

Boom Town

Jesse, Axel, Y/n: (After falling down leaving the portal) Ahhhhh!

Jesse: Just be careful, okay? One wrong step...

Axel: Whoa. You see that? Utter chaos, man!

Y/n: This place is unbelievable. Look at all the destruction.

**Look at Cactus | Look at Banner wall | Look at Wallpaper | Talk to Axel**
**It's pretty exciting | Axel, this is nuts! | Look at Griefers | Look at Crater | Look at Burning debris**

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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