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• S O O Y E O N •

He.. did.. it.

Well, he didn't stole my first kiss because I had my ex. But, he still kissed me. And that was my first time with him.

"You're cute," he said and pinched my cheeks. Me? I stood there, frozen.

"Get back to your places class," I heard our prof as he enters the room. Oh. It's our terror professor.

"Good morning Mr. Soo," we greeted. Yep. That's our terror prof. Gotta go.


'Yah troll. He.. kissed me.'

I updated Jongdae. I don't have girl friends though so I'll just inform Jongdae since I am close to him the most.

'Congratulations. And my ship started sailing again~'

I just shook my head with a smile plastered on my face.

'You still ship us? Really?'

"Who's that?" This guy beside me asked.

"The one and only troll," I said.

"And that's me." Both of us looked up and saw seven guys coming towards us. Woah. All of them are good looking.

"What are you guys doing here?" Baekhyun asked them.

"Wae? Are we not welcomed?" The guy in pink hair asked.

"Just sit down, hyung. Don't mind Baekhyun hyung," the guy with sharp jawline said and sat in front of me. He's handsome, but scary.

"Hi," he greeted me and smiled. I just looked down. He looked scary a while ago but now, he looked like a cute kid.

"Sehun-ah, don't flirt with her," Chanyeol oppa told the guy in front of me. Oh, so his name is Sehun. Nice.

"I am not, hyung. I just greeted her," he then looked at me again and smiled.

"Oh right. You haven't met them all right, Sooyeon?" I looked at Chanyeol oppa and nodded. I just met Jongdae, Baek and Kyungsoo because they're the only ones who visited me at the hospital but Chanyeol oppa told me about them so I just know them by names and not by faces.

"The one with pink hair, that's Junmyeon hyung. And that guy in front of you is Sehun." I nodded and smiled at them as they waved at me.

"The one Jongdae is talking with, that's Minseok hyung," Baek said and pointed at the guy with light brown hair.

"And the guy who's wearing a specs is Yixing hyung," Baek said and pointed at the guy beside Junmyeon. He then smiled at me and I saw his dimple. Ohh. It's deep. Cutie.

"And you've already met Kyungsoo, right?" I nodded at Oppa. Of course. That squishy thing. Hihi.

"I thought you sat at our table," I stiffened as I heard that voice.

"Oh, and this is--" I cut off Baek by saying his name. "--Kim Jongin."

"You know him?" Baek asked me. I just looked at Chanyeol oppa and he's sending me stares that says 'It's okay.' I smiled at him.

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