Survived, barely

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What if Ryan ignored Mark's command to leave after they were pierced in the skull by Clawboon? What if Ryan just continued fighting the monster? How far will the monster go to destroy it's enemy?

"AHH!" Ryan screamed when Clawboon pierced into the Mech's head. It felt like his brain was stabbed and cut into pieces. His vision was starting to get a little difficult to see due to the pain.

"RYAN!" yelled Mark in concern, staring in disbelief at the current situation. The same expression was on the other crew member's faces.

"We're getting killed here, we gotta bounce," said Mark.

"I can handle this!" exclaimed Ryan through gritted teeth, trying to fend the monster off.

"You do not want to make me come down there and disconnect you myself!" exclaimed frustrated Mark.

And to everyone's surprise, Ryan ignored his command and continued to fight. He eventually pushed the monster away and stood in position for another attack. But, it was getting harder and harder for him to focus and see straight.

"Spyder! Magma punch," commanded Ryan.

"Ryan! Listen to Mark! If you keep continuing, your gunna get yourself killed!" exclaimed Spyder.

"Yeah! Mech-x4 can't take another blow!" said Harris.

"SHUT IT AND DO AS I SAY!" Ryan yelled furiously.

Spyder then did what he was told. But, before he can do anything, Clawboon had both of Mech-x4's arms locked into it's hold. Ryan desperately tried to get free, but all that did was made the monster crush his arms.

Ryan shrieked in pain. But, it wasn't over. Clawboon then used his sharp claw that he used before and stabbed Mech right in the heart.

Ryan arched his back and howled in complete agony and fell to the ground, making the robot do the same. Clawboon saw that it's opponent is helpless and isn't going to do anything back to him. The monster took this moment and pierced him on the robot's side. This caused Ryan screech in misery.


Knowing what he has to do, he weakly got up. Using his last amount of energy he has left, he quickly retreated away from the monster.

When they got to a safe distance, Ryan collapsed unconscious.

"RYAN!" everyone yelled again and ran to his side. Mark picked him up and placed him in his arms. He then patted Ryan cheek and said softly, "No! No no no.. Hey buddy.. wake up. It's over."

No response.

Then, he checked for his pulse. It was slowly fading.

"Harris get the med-bay ready! Spyder, go help him!" commanded Mark. Both nodded and went to do what they were told.

Mark picked him up, held him close to his heart and prayed that everything would be alright.

But there's still one thing that's nagging at him..

This isn't the worst the monsters can do.

(Couple Minutes After)

Mark had a concerning, yet a guilt look on his face. His hand held tightly onto Ryan's.

"How is he?" Mark asked.

Harris continued looking at his screen and said, "Everything will heal once Mech-x4 is paired up. But, he does have a very weak heart at the moment. So, he needs as much rest he can get or else.." Harris felt a flare in his chest even thinking about Ryan dying.

Mark was trying to keep his tears from falling but every passing moment made it harder and harder. He had to do something. He can't just sit there and do nothing to help his brother.

"I-I'll go and patch up Mech," said Mark quietly. "Holler when there's any news." And with that, Mark left the med-bay in sadness.

A couple hours later, Mark finally got everything fixed. Not even thinking for a second, he rushed back into the med-bay. When he entered, he saw that Spyder was fast asleep next to Ryan's side. Harris was still standing near the screen that overlooked Ryan's vitals. Mark took off his helmet he wore every time he was pairing up Mech.

"How is he?" he asked Harris.

Harris smiled and said, "He's doing a lot better.  His heart isn't as weak as before. He'll be just fine."

Mark walked over to his little brother, wanting to sit next to him but the chair was occupied by a passed out Spyder. He really did want to just throw him off the seat. But, Mark can tell that Spyder was just as concern for Ryan as he was, so he just cut him some slack for today.

Mark just stood by his brother and began smoothing out his hair. "Why do you have to be so stubborn bro?" he then said.

He wasn't expecting an answer, but he got one.

"Because.. I'm Ryan Walker," whispered Ryan, with his eyes closed yet a huge grin on his face.

"RYAN!" exclaimed Mark and Harris in cheer. This woke Spyder right up.

"Your awake!" Spyder, then, exclaimed.

"Yeah he is. Now get out of my seat," said Mark and with that, he shoved Spyder out making him fall to the ground.

"HEY!" Spyder said.

"Sorry!" replied Mark, "Won't do that again."

"You better not," said Spyder gleefully.

Everyone was just really glad that Ryan was awake and ok. At that moment, nothing really mattered except him.

"How are you doing?" Mark asked Ryan.

"I feel like my whole body was stabbed by a gigantic fork," said Ryan.

"You had us scared to death bro! You literally could've died!" said Mark.

"Yeah, that monster stabbed you directly in the heart. You had a pretty weak heart for a while, that was until Mark patched up Mech. But, that doesn't mean your heart isn't weak anymore. It still is, so you have to take it easy for a little bit. Meaning, don't do anything that'll bring up your heart rate," explained Harris.

Ryan just nodded, trying to get all the info into his head.

"Have you ever planned on becoming a doctor, Harris?" asked Spyder in amazement.

Everyone just laughed.

Ryan tried to sit up, but when he did pain just flared in his body making him hiss. His eyes was shut tight and his hand was pressed on his side where he was pierced too.

Everyone returned their attention onto Ryan and Mark used his one hand to hold on to him and the other to rub his head.

"Take it easy," said Mark. Ryan just gave a sigh in pain.

Mark looked at him in deep sadness and with the same thought in his head..

This isn't the worst of the monsters...

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