Truth or Dare... Gone Wrong?

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When a simple game of truth or dare turns out completely different then they all thought it would be, haunting them forever.

Note: It's just Dane and Mark vs. Ryan, Harris, and Spyder.

"Ok, the score is 5-4. Varsity against you newbies.. How did you guys even get ahead of us anyway," exclaimed Dane and Mark just shook his head in annoyance.

"Uh, what do you mean. It was because you guys refused to do that last dare we said," said Ryan.

"Uhh yeah because you dared us to make out.. we ain't doing that!" said Mark, looking at Dane who grimaced at the idea.

The three freshman just laughed.

"Whatever, you guys chose dare and we gave you one. You didn't want to do it, so we get the point. It's how you play the game bro," said Harris.

"Yeah listen to Harris. Anyway, now you give us a dare," said Spyder.

"Oh we will," said Mark. Then, he began whispering to Dane.

After a couple of minutes, they both turned around and Mark spoke, "Ok, you know that abandon building down the road.. "

"This doesn't sound good," Harris whispered nervously.

"We dare you guys to go in there and stay there for an hour," said Mark.

"Yeah, who's ever the first to break will be the person that gives us, the Varsity team, a point," said Dane smirking when he looked over at a wide eyed Harris.

"Deal," Ryan spoke up, offering a hand for a hand shake.

"What?!?" exclaimed Harris.

"Woah, woah, woah, do you know what your doing?" said Spyder.

"We can beat them. Come on, it's only an hour. And besides, what can go wrong?" grinned Ryan.

"Uhhh, well I dunno maybe.. EVERYTHING!" yelled Harris.

"Ok calm down," said Ryan.

"I'm not going," said Harris, crossing his arms. "I just have a bad feeling about this."

"Yeah that's what you say all the time when you don't want us to do something," said Spyder, "Well, now I think about it, you say that every time we do anything!"

"Yeah, because everything you guys want to do is stupid and dangerous," said Harris.

"But, this one isn't. How bad can it be? Come on, just this once?" said Ryan.

Harris stood there thinking long and hard. "Ok fine, I'll do it. But, if we get killed because of a stupid dare I swear. And if I'm right at the end I want one of you to pay me five bucks, if we make it out alive got it?"

"Nothing bad is gunna happen. You need to chill," said Spyder.

"Yeah, just chill and calm yourself," said Ryan.

"Don't come to me when you find out that I was right all along at the end," said Harris.

"Oh don't worry, we won't. We're gunna prove you wrong for once," said Spyder.

"Ok, if you say so yourself," Harris said in annoyance. Rolling his eyes.

"Ok, lets go," said Ryan, gesturing them to come along.

"And remember, you have to be in there for a full hour! One minute less, you'll lose and we get the point. We're counting," said Mark.

"No worries! We can make it," exclaimed Spyder.

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