Always There For You

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AN: Yes I know I've published this before, but I've decided to put it in this book because it just makes more sense since it's a one-shot and all lol. So yeah enjoy!
When Spyder and Ryan decides to go to the skatepark after school, they are met by an 'old friend'. What happens when that 'friend' came back for revenge on Ryan?

"Hey guys! Want to go to the skate park today?" asked Spyder after all classes ended for the day.

"Uhh.. no. We have a bunch of homework to do and essays to type!" exclaimed Harris.

"That's when you lie to your teacher that your dog ate your homework or that you "accidentally" left your homework at home," smirked Spyder and laughed along with Ryan, who was by his side.

Harris crossed his arms and said, "That was the most lamest thing you've ever said bro."

Ryan put elbow on Spyder's shoulder and leaned against it, saying,"I kinda have to agree with Harris on that." And laughed.

Spyder frowned and crossed his arms.

"Anyway, come on Harris! Live your life to the fullest man! One school night at the skate park wouldn't hurt!" exclaimed Ryan.

"No! I'm staying home. Maybe next time," said Harris.

"If you say so," said Spyder and gestured Ryan to come with him.

"See ya Harris!" yelled Ryan.

"Adios!" exclaimed Spyder, waving as he continued to walk down the hall.

Harris stood there, crossed arms and just shook his head in amusement.

With Ryan and Spyder

"Woah bro! Can you do that?!?" exclaimed Spyder, pointing at the skater who just did a double flip.

And, before Ryan can say something, someone came up from behind and put a hand on Spyder's shoulder.

Spyder stiffen and turned his head. It was Jimmy Wilson.

"Yeah, can you?" asked Jimmy and laughed with his other friends that were behind him.

Spyder and Ryan looked at each other in shock.

"What's with the scared expressions kid?" mocked a kid behind Jimmy.

Spyder and Ryan didn't say anything. Not knowing if they should be scared or not.

"Aww look at them! Their scared!" snickered Jimmy, who began laughing with his friends.

"No, we're not!" said Ryan, unexpectedly and boldly. He hates it when he's being treated like some three year old kid.

Jimmy face expression turned dark. He, then, gave an malicious smirk.

"Well my, my.. if it isn't Ryan Walker. The kid who stole my popularity," said Jimmy.

Ryan just stared at him.

"Your going to pay for what you've done," said Jimmy, cracking his knuckles.

"Hey, we didn't come here for trouble," said Spyder nervously.

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