Author's Note

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( If you came over from my story Captive, I'll save your time and say that this is the same message as you've read in Captive. )

Hello! I have come with bad news.

So, I've been wanting to tell you all this, but I couldn't figure out how to and please don't be upset when I say this...

I have left the Mech-x4 fandom. I'm sad to say that I lost interest in this show since the wait for the mid-season premiere. And since then, I haven't watched any of their new episodes due to school and other things.

So, with that being said, here's the cherry on top. I will be discontinuing both Mech-x4 One-Shots and the sequel to Captive.

I apologize for the disappointment this might have caused, but I don't feel like writing something I am not into and not confident writing about.

And, for all those who requested plots that you wanted to be seen in my stories or those who were anticipating on the sequel, I am incredibly sorry for this.

But, I wanted to tell you this before I start writing stories for other fandoms because I don't want to publish them and for people to be like "Hey! What happen to Mech-x4? You said it was coming out soon and yet your posting something not Mech-x4 related!" I'd rather tell you, then have you wait for eternity just to find out that the reason why I never posted the sequel or one-shots was about I left the fandom.

I've been wanting to say this for a while now, but didn't have the guts to do so until now.

Again I say, I am really, truly sorry for all of this and I apologize to those who were anticipating for new uploads.

I will be still writing fanfiction, just not Mech-x4 related...

So, final words to this awesome fandom and most of all, my incredible readers: Thank so much for everything. It was all you guys that got me wanting to write and to feel confident about my work. I am truly grateful for all of you and for sticking by my side. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't have made it this far. I appreciate for all you guys have done.

To all of the Mech-x4 fans and readers, PEACE ✌🏻

Thank you for deverything! I love you all ❤️

God bless
- Wolfaline

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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