The sweetest moments (Bree X Dusk)

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Blame the game of truth or dare.  This will be Dusk's pov.

Friday, May 28th

Dusk eyes were always glued to the brown haired beauty.  Her mind was constantly filled with thoughts of her one true love, Bree.  She had loved her at first sight, ever since Bree had helped her with the bullies.  In Dusk's eyes, Bree was perfect.  Dusk was completely smitten, and there was nothing that she could do. 

She had thought of confessing, many, many times, but she was so scared.  Scared of rejection, and humiliation.  Scared of ruining their friendship.  Dusk had never been brave, that was Kiya's job.  Kiya couldn't be brave for Dusk this time.  Dusk really wished Kiya was there.

"Dusk!"  Bree called out, arriving at the spot where Dusk had asked them to meet.  The cherry blossom tree behind the school, Dusk was a believer of its myths, and she needed all the luck she could get.  The myth was if you confessed under the tree on a Friday, your confession would always be accepted.  Dusk really hope it was true.

""  Dusk face felt as if it was on fire.  Her hands were wringing themselves, pinching her pale skin slightly.  "B-Bree...I-I...I..."  Dusk voice faltered, "I love you!"  Dusk blurted out, hiding her reddening face in her hands.  Dusk felt a hand on her shoulder.  "I love you too."  Dusk barely heard Bree's whisper, before her head was tilted up out of her hands and her pale lips met Bree's soft pink ones.  It was the happiest moment of Dusk's entire life.

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