Ch.5 The Obvious Question

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I woke up but kept my eyes closed. What the hell happened? I slowly sat up and almost screamed when my leg shifted. It burned and felt so sore. Oh yeah, my leg got stabbed by a something. I opened my eyes some and threw back the covers to check it out. Wait covers? I fully opened my eyes and looked around. The sun was just starting to come up, but the rain lightened up significantly. I was in the infirmary. Mikasa and Armin were across from me, both sleeping.
   I looked down at my leg. It was wrapped up tightly and it felt stiff and swollen. Walking was out of the question. I looked to my left and saw a nightstand that had water, food, and some stationary. I started to eat the food and grabbed some of the paper. On one sheet of paper read "Get well soon!!- Marco" so that's how I got here.
   "Oh, this is still warm..." I said into the approaching dawn. Once I finished eating I crumpled the paper into balls and started to throw them at Mikasa and Armin.
   Finally enough of them hit Armin's face to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes.
   "Armin. Wake up." I whispered to him. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
"Eren? Is that you? What are you doing here?" He sat up straighter and looked at my leg in shock.
   "I was out walking during the storm and something went flying through my leg." I looked around and saw that it was a sharp metal rod that was removed from my leg. Why keep it?
"Eren! Why the hell would you walk during such a bad storm?!" He looked worried and angry that I put myself in danger. I was shocked that he cursed.
"Mikasa would've killed me if I didn't visit."
"She'll kill you once she knows you've been hurt because you wanted to do something so stupid during a storm!"
As if on cue, Mikasa slowly started to open her eyes and look around. She stretched and yawned, and then saw me.
"Eren what the hell are you doing in that bed?" She looked so angry.
   "W-well you see-hey wait stay down!!" She immediately started trying to scramble out of bed. Luckily Armin held her back as she fought against him anyway.
   "See? You're not well enough to fight me on this. I'm okay, let me explain." As she settled back down I recounted what has happened over the past few days.
   "Oh wow! Lance Corporal Levi had you stay in HIS personal quarters!! What was it like?" Armin bombarded me with questions about how Levi kept his living space. He made me laugh with his random questions.
   "Armin calm down. It was clean and orderly and ah...cozy..." I blushed a little, I hope they couldn't see that. Mikasa's sniper eyes seemed to pick up on it instantly.
"Eren, what-" She was cut off as Nurse Namuchi walked in with a new tray of food. She looked surprised to see me up and active.
"You're finally awake, you little crazy. Why walk out ALONE during a storm that hellish? You're lucky only your leg was injured." She set the food down and started handing everyone trays.
"You need to eat more to rebuild lost proteins. Now let me check your leg, the bandages should need to be changed by now." She handed me my second tray and sat down by my legs.
   I was surprisingly hungry and started eating at once, letting my thoughts wander. There was a unified gasp by everyone in the room. I looked up to see what happened and was a little shocked myself.
   "Eren..I saw your on earth..." Armin couldn't form a proper sentence. I don't blame him, there's just no way that my leg is basically healed. No puncture wound, just some swelling and redness. The nurse ran out of the room in pure shock and disbelief.
"I don't know what to say, guys.." I glanced at Mikasa and she was pushing her food around in thought. Armin had on his thinking face and he seemed to be entertaining an idea.
"What's on your mind, Armin?" He looked up and his eyes practically screamed 'I have a crazy theory'
"Eren...only Titans can heal as fast as you've been lately..." Mikasa snapped her head over to him in disbelief and my eyes widened.
"Armin tha-"
"There you are!" We all looked towards the doorway to see Levi angrily marching over.
"I gave you one task before I left. Stay put and don't stupidly go off and hurt your self again. Tell me why you did the exact opposite of what I said? And your reason had better be good, brat." He crossed his arms and leaned against the nearest wall. Mikasa looked ready to blow.
"I promised Mikasa and Armin that I would visit them while they're stuck in here. I didn't think I would end up stuck in here with them. I was planning to be back before your meeting ended." I guiltily explained my situation. He looked at Armin and Mikasa and for a second he had a face of understanding before recomposing his mask of indifference.
"Just don't let it happen again, kid. But that still doesn't explain how you ended up in that bed. You look fine to me." He started looking me over and I blushed hoping no one noticed.
"I was walking and-"
"His head started to hurt and he ended up passing out. Our friend Marco Bodt brought him in." Armin interject with a lie. Levi looked between the two of us but he didn't say anything. I made a mental note to ask Armin about his lie once Levi left.
"How did the meeting go?" I asked in hopes it would change the subject.
"Erwin decided that we'll train you all indoors somehow until the storm passes. Bad weather shouldn't be a reason that we can't train you all. We just don't know where yet, there's a lot of you."
   "How about the cafeteria? We could clear out the chairs and tables while we train and move them back once it's time to eat." Armin piped up his idea and Levi seemed to approve.
   "Not a bad idea, mushroom. But there's not enough room...well I suppose we could use another building simultaneously..." Levi sighed and ran a hand through his semi wet hair.
   "I suppose I'll have to run this by Erwin, seeing as how it's the best idea we have so far." He then lifted his hood and said one last thing before he left. He looked at Mikasa and Armin.
   "Speaking of, Erwin and I will be continuing our discussion from a few days ago, once we find any time. As for you, Jeager, once you can walk I expect you to haul ass back to my quarters and clean up all of the fucking mess you made. It's incredibly rude to dine and dash in someone else's home." He faces sound of disapproval and left.
   "He's very strict, isn't he?" Armin said a moment later.
   "If you ask me he's just an ass with a height problem." Mikasa said angrily from her bed.
   "He's just a neat freak, and to be fair I did make a mess and leave." I said to Mikasa in hopes to calm her down, it didn't work but it was worth a shot.
   "Hey, Armin. Why did you lie earlier? That's unlike you." He glanced over at me guiltily.
   "It's weird that you heal extremely quickly and I wasn't sure if Levi Heicho knew about it or not. Marco told me about your head and everything so I figured that it was the safest thing to say in case something happened." Smart plan, but thinking was Armin's specialty.
"Eren." I looked towards Mikasa and she had a quizzical look in her eyes.
"I've seen you blush so few times that I can count it on one hand. Care to explain your behavior around Lance Corporal Midget?" I could tell already that she had an overwhelming fondness for Levi.
"I wasn't blushing, it's hot in here." I lied in hopes she would buy it. Truth be told I didn't even buy it.
"Eren, are you gay?" Armin asked the obvious question that hung in the air. Armin looked a little hopeful. He's openly gay and everyone's noticed that's Armin is just a little more giggly and smiley around me.
"No I'm not gay, guys." I said this, but I thought back to Levi and could feel the blush creep up on my cheeks. They didn't press any further, but they both had doubts in they're eyes about my sexual orientation.
To change the subject, I brought up the second meeting with Erwin and Levi that was to happen.
"I'm still leaning towards no, Eren. I'd rather stay back and watch over you." Mikasa said stubbornly.
"I can take care of myself, with this weird healing speed I'll be okay. This is a great opportunity for you both, and it's not like we all won't see each other anymore." I said reassuringly.
"If Mikasa is on board with it then I want to do it. There's so much to be learned from this." Armin said excitedly. He's the only person I know who could giddily race towards a library and see nothing odd about it.
An entire hour went by before we got Mikasa to agree to the deal.
"I'll do it, but promise me that you'll come to either one of us if you need us." She looked me directly in the eye when she said this and looked serious.
"I promise. Besides, you know me, I'll somehow get wrapped up in this all one way or another."
Nurse Namuchi eventually came around with lunch. She properly looked at my leg and said I have a clean bill of health and left in confusion. We ate and talked about the future and reminisced to pass the time.
The events that followed the next few weeks were strange, confusing, terrifying, and downright joyful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2017 ⏰

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