Ch. 3 Rainy Days and Bumpy Heads

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Its been three days since I last saw Levi Heicho. Armin has been on forced bed rest for those three days. The swelling in his ankle won't go down and it's still red. I'm on my way to see Mikasa and Armin. I heard voices in deep conversation inside of the infirmary. I walked in and listened from the doorway.

"...ith your level of skill we can begin to further understand tita-" Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked at me. It was Levi Heicho and some other guy. An extremely tall blond with thick eyebrows. Levi was sitting in between Mikasa and Armin's bed's while Mr. Eyebrows leaned against the wall closest to Armin's bed.

"Hi, Eren." Armin said with a smile, trying to ease the tension strangers have around each other.

"This is Levi Heicho and Danchou Erwin. They were here to talk to us about-"

"We were actually just leaving. Thank you for your time." Danchou Erwin spoke up. Levi got up and they both left.

"What was that about?" I asked as I took the seat Levi Heicho just sat in. It was so warm...

"Don't worry about it, Eren." Mikasa spoke up, giving Armin a stern look.

"Guys, come on. What's going on?" Armin gave her pleading look and she finally sighed and nodded in agreement after a minuet. Armin looked at me and spoke up.

"Levi Heicho and Danchou Erwin were here to talk to us about our skills in certain areas. Mikasa is really good on 3D Maneuver Gear and I'm just really smart. They were talking about missions just as you walked in." Before I could say anything, Mikasa spoke up.

"I don't want to do it." She said in her stubborn way.

"But it's such an amazing opportunity!! We'll be working with professionals!!" Armin said excitedly from his bed.

"Who's going to watch out for Eren?"

"Guys..." I said quietly. I didn't like where this was going.

"I'm not going with out Eren."

"Mikasaaa!! It-" I cut Armin off before this escalated any further.

"Guys!! Listen to me." I turned to Armin, "What exactly is going on?"

"Levi Heicho and Danchou Erwin want us to work with them on missions. Meaning, we'll be training with professionals and have access to all kinds of things." He seemed squeamish and fidgeted in his bed. I turned to Mikasa.

"Mikasa, you and Armin should totally go for it. This doesn't happen everyday and you have the skill to prove your worth. I'll be fine by myself." She stared out the window, thinking things over. I turned to Armin.

"Armin, you're really smart. You can help them by planning out missions and stuff. Don't let your smarts go to waste." I looked at the floor.

"You both should go for it. You two could really help save humanity from those monsters."

No one said anything for a while. I knew they were considering their options. They really should do this. I'll be fine on my own. I'm more worried about them, training with professionals like Levi Heicho. He looked so tired when I ran into him, the way the shadows bounced off of his face gave him an older appearance. It was still an attractive look...

"Eren." Mikasa snapped me out of my daydreams.


"You have to go now. Visiting hours are over." Armin said with a yawn.

I wished them both goodnight and went back to the barracks, taking my sweet time to enjoy the crisp night air. There was a full moon out tonight and the sky was littered with stars. I wonder if mom can see me from up in heaven?

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