Chapter 2: Visit me, one last time

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Ravi's hands were sweating, heart was beating, mind was racing. How did the tributes come from his family. He and his sister, Emma, probably wouldn't stand a chance in the fights.

No one had come to visit me yet but Ravi could here the Micky Mouse soldiers around my door talking in hushed tones.

The room Ravi was in was quite a simple room. White walls with 2 navy automens. The lights above were basic flood lights with a little more class. The doors were what really impressed Ravi. They were French Doors with the past victors faces covered the door. He only recognized one. Brielle Russo. She had one the 1st games.

"What kid do we got in here?" A man with a deep voice asked.

"His name is Ravi Ross." Another male but with a higher voice said.

"Ross? As in Christina and Morgan Ross?" The first guy said.

"It seems so. And get this, his sister was reaped too!" The first male said.

Ravi's heart sank when he heard the mentioning of Emma.

"Those kids are going to have it so easy in there. They will be getting sponsor gifts every minute." The seconds guy said.

I had never thought about my parents playing a factor in the games. I knew that they could collect sponsers. Would I actually have a chance.

I heard footsteps approaching the door and I sat back down on the couch.

It was his mom. She had obviously crying because her mascara was running and her eyes were puffy.

"Oh Ravi..." She said and gave him a hug.

At that point, Ravi started to tear up too. While in the midst of the hug, someone was missing. Where was his dad?

"Where Mr. Daddy?" Ravi asked.

"They're letting us in one at a time. For just a few minutes." She said.

"I just want you to know, that we all love you and we want you back home. We want you to know your going to be alright. Okay?" She said.

At that point Ravi was sobbing. He wasn't as talented as his brother, Luke or as clever as his little sister, Zuri. He was just Ravi. The adopted tribute from India who had little to no chance of seeing New York again.

"I love you Mrs. Mommy!" He said.

They just hugged.

Emma sat quietly in her room. She could hear the two guards outside her room chatting and playing Flappy Birds.

Suddenly the noise stopped and she heard footsteps. Her dad walked into the room.

"Dad!" She said.

"Hey sweety! Stay calm, okay? I want to tell you that no matter what happens... Luke will never get your room." He said.

That made Emma laugh a little bit. Luke had always asked for her room.

"Your going to survive, I have a gut feeling about it. You could nail file someone in 10 seconds... which is a little weird, but awesome." He said.

This helped cheer her up and she even cracked a smile.

"Honey, I don't care about the games results, I'm proud of my daughter no matter how she does." He said.

"Thanks." Emma said.

In the next few day, they'd head to the Capitol and start training. And even before they knew it, they'd be in the Disney Games

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