Who are you?

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Tsuna stirs a little in his sleep. He can tell it's morning and probably about time to get up for school. As soon as the thought crosses his mind he hears his mom call from downstairs for him to wake up. Groaning and rolling more tightly into the covers Tsuna ignores his mom's loud voice for a few more minutes of shut-eye. Just as he reaches that hazy level of drifting off again he's suddenly hit over the head with something hard and flat. 

"Oi! Baka-Tsuna wake up, you'll be late again!" A shrill child-like voice scolds him and Tsuna bolts upright in his bed holding his throbbing head. 

Tsuna's eyes search around the room until he finally spots the small figure on the ground beside his bed, weilding what appears to be a green hammer. "W-Who are you and why are you in my room?" Tsuna watches the infant with large, confused and slightly scared eyes. What's this kid doing attacking him? And how did he get in here in the first place? 

The kid gives Tsuna a strange look and jumps up onto his bed beside him. Tsuna presses himself more to the wall to get away from him. Who knew children nowadays were so violent? And why was it wearing a suit? 

"Do you really not recognize me?" The infant's voice is serious and his eyes look a little sharper. This kid is scary. 

"Y-Yeah I have no idea who you are or what you're doing in my room or why you're hitting me in the head with a hammer of all things!" Tsuna tries to look more intimidating but he more than likely looks like a puppy with it's tail between it's legs. 

The strange kid says nothing more and hops off the bed, going to the door and pausing. "Get ready for school." 

After the door closes Tsuna lets out a relieved sigh. Well that was one way to start the day. Getting out of bed he gets a glimps of his clock and realizes that school is in twenty minutes. He' have to run to school to make it on time. Hurriedly getting ready he almost trips down the stairs and grabs an apple on his way out the door, calling a goodbye to his mother. He hadn't seen that infant anywhere around...

Arriving at the school Tsuna slows his pace and leans his hands on his knees, trying to regain his breath. He was a lot more fit than he remembered being so it wasn't too hard to get to the school, he had gotten there with five minutes to spare. While getting his breathing back under control he hears someone approaching and looks up to see a silver-haired boy and a taller dark haired one walking his way and bickering. He stands up straight and is noticed by the taller of the two who waves with a big smile on his face. 

"Yo! Tsuna, how's it going?" He jogs the rest of the short way to stand infront of Tsuna, placing his hands behind his head. 

"Juudaime! Did you sleep well last night?" The silver haired one makes his way over and gives his own smile. They're both looking at Tsuna expecting him to say something but Tsuna can only stare in confusion at the two strangers infront of him. 

"Ah...hi? I don't really know who you are but I gotta get to class...so.." Tsuna awkwardly tries to maneuvre between the two and gets caught by the arm. Turning his head he sees that it's the taller person. 

"Don't know us? You know you're never really good at telling jokes Tsuna." He laughs, but pauses noticing the perplexed look the younger boy is giving him. Releasing his arm he grabs him by the shoulders. 

"Tsuna...really you're joking right? You know us, we're your best friends." At this point the silver haired boy comes over and looks on with a worried expression. 

"Juudaime, it's me. Gokudera and baseball fre- I mean Yamamoto. Did you hit your head or something?" His voice was concerned and he absently twisted a ring around his finger. 

Tsuna's thoughts go back to his rude awakening but even then he didn't know who that was. "I'm sorry but...I really haven't seen you before." Tsuna steps back and Yamamoto's hands fall from his shoulders. "You must be mistaking me for someone else, excuse me." He gives an apologetic smile and slips away from the two to head to class. 

This day was starting off weirder than ever. First he's bludgeoned by a baby and then he's mistaken for someone he's not. Maybe it was just coincidence. 

Behind him Yamamoto and Gokudera give eachother worried looks before heading into the school behind Tsuna.

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