So many faces

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The next morning Tsuna wakes up and hears his mother call for him to get up again. He sits up in a defensive position, holding his arms in front of him in case Reborn tried to attack him. But looking around the room Tsuna notices that there's no baby in sight. A little confused but mostly relieved, Tsuna makes his way to the bathroom to get ready for school. He peeks into every room in the house before heading to the kitchen and grabbing him something to eat. Weird...he didn't see the kid anywhere. 

He heads to school, arriving with a good ten minutes to spare. As he approaches the gate he sees someone leaning against the brick watching him. Piercing grey eyes follow his every move and it makes Tsuna's skin crawl. What was up with that guy? Just as he goes to pass the gate into the school he's stopped by the flash of a silver object in front of his face, almost knocking him over. 

"Sawada Tsunayoshi." Tsuna was still reeling from the initial shock of almost getting his head taken off by the tonfa that was now gleaming in the sunlight a few inches from his face. He hesitantly looked at the owner of the deadly weapon who stared at him with a fierce level gaze. 

"Y-Yes?" His voice squeaked out from his lips and it took everything in him to not pass out on the spot. He noticed the badge adorning the other's arm signifying him as the head of the disciplinary commitee for the school. Weird how he had never seen him around school before...

The raven haired guy sat in silence a moment and withdrew his weapon but never took his eyes off of Tsuna. "Do you know who I am?" The older guy's face was unreadable but Tsuna's grew more tense as the seconds ticked by. Was this another person he's forgotten? 

"...H-Head of the disciplinary commitee...sir?" Tsuna wasn't sure how to answer the question so he replied with the first thing that came to mind. The other seemed a bit troubled by his response and crossed his arms. 

"So you really have forgotten." Tsuna felt his gut twist in shame. Of course it was.

"I-I'm sorry..I..." He couldn't find anything to say to the person in front of him. Biting his lip he looked down at the ground. He decided that this day would be just as bad as the last. 

"Hibari Kyouya." The stern voice surprised Tsuna and he looked up at the guy. Tsuna wasn't sure what he had meant and a brief silence engulfed the two once again. After a moment the other spoke up once more. "That's my name. Get to class." 

Without a moment's hesitation Tsuna gave a small bow and hurried on his way to the building, all the while feeling that steely gaze on his back. 

-     -       -

After class Gokudera and Yamamoto sit on either side of Tsuna during their lunch break peppering him with questions that Tsuna can't exactly answer all to well. 

"So you can't remember anything? Nothing about who we are or even all the things we've done together?" Yamamoto pops a chip into his mouth and leans against the fence of the roof. 

"Nope...I woke up just like any other day and all of a sudden there's a ton of people I've apparently forgotten..." Tsuna lets out a sigh and sips absently at his juice. It wasn't like he purposly forgot, right? Sometimes they say you block out bad things from your memory, but entire friendships with multiple people? He'd never heard of such a thing. 

"It must be hard on you. Running into all of these people that you've never met before, all claiming that they're your friends." Gokudera leans with his back to the fence, propping one foot up. "I just don't understand how you could forget us like that...we've been through so much, how could all of that just disappear?" He glances down at Tsuna and points out the ring. 

"Do you know what that is?" 

Tsuna looks down and holds the little round ring between his fingers, the sun making a rainbow appear beneath the jewel. "I just thought maybe it was some sort of keepsake from my father or something. I just woke up with it on and haven't taken it off. It feels wrong somehow if I I feel a little empty." His gaze turns saddened as he studies the ring. It almost felt like it was a part of him but he couldn't really get why. 

"Either way we'll help you remember. You're really important to us ya know." Yamamoto grins and playfully pushes Tsuna's shoulder who smiles in return. Gokudera just gives a little huff from his positon but Tsuna can see the determined look in his eyes. 

If these people looked up to him that much, then Tsuna would do all he could to remember them. 

-   -     -

With the sun setting the trio head out the front to go home. Tsuna tries to keep up with the conversation, somehow it had gone to different weather patterns, and notices something or rather someone standing by the front gates. He watches the figure as they pass by and realizes that it's that person from earlier..Hibari. They lock gazes for a moment but neither say a word, Tsuna can feel him watching as they go but it's not such a strange feeling anymore. It almost feels familiar. 

Arriving home Tsuna greets his mom and pauses for a moment when he sees Reborn at the table talking to her in hushed tones. It seems a little odd, but he ignores it and starts up the stairs only to be greeted by what looks like a lump of black and white spots sitting on the stairs. Curiosity gets the best of him and he pokes it with his foot, hearing the thing mutter a few words and scrunch up more into a ball. Tsuna suddenly realized that the thing was a child. A child in a little cow suit sleeping on his stairs. What was it doing there? 

Tsuna carefully picks up the sleeping child and takes him around the corner to the kitchen where his mom is. Surley she didn't leave the door open and let someone's kid in? 

"Mom...where did this kid come from?" Tsuna nods to the lump of fluff and drool that now lays in his arms. His mother gives a brief glance at Reborn but then looks to Tsuna. She smiles, but it's forced. His mother never smiled at him like that.

"Ah Tsu-kun he's just a neighbor's kid, don't worry. We're keeping watch over him for now." She takes the kid and carries him off to a spare room leaving Tsuna standing there in a befuddled state.

He chances a glance at Reborn but the baby is as stotic as always so Tsuna shrugs it off and makes his way up the stairs once more. Flopping down onto his bed Tsuna curls up and faces his wall, his mind full of things that have happened so far. Of course when he thinks about it for just a little too long his headache makes it's appearance once again and he's left to think about it some other day. At least tomorrow was the weekend, maybe he would get a much needed break. 

Tsuna shuts his eyes and restfully naps until dinner. 

Tsuna's memoryWhere stories live. Discover now